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- Active Janus colloids at chemically structured surfaces, W. E. Uspal, M. N. Popescu, S. Dietrich, M. Tasinkevych, The Journal of Chemical Physics 150, 204904 (2019)
- Active nematic-isotropic interfaces in channels, R. C. V. Coelho, N. A.M. Araújo, M. M. Telo da Gama. Soft Matter 15, 6819 (2019)
- Actuation of Magnetoelastic Membranes in Precessing Magnetic Fields, C. A. Brisbois, M. Tasinkevych, P. A. Vazquez-Montejo, and M. Olvera de la Cruz, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 116, 2500-2505 (2019)
- Axiomatic construction of quantum Langevin equations, Rúbia Araújo, Sascha Wald, Malte Henkel J. Stat. Mech. 053101 (2019) [arxiv:1809.08975]
- Comment on "Which interactions dominate in active colloids?" [J. Chem. Phys. 150, 061102 (2019)], M. N. Popescu, A. Dominguez, W. E. Uspal, M. Tasinkevych, and S. Dietrich, The Journal of Chemical Physics 151, 067101 (2019)
- Coupling of Edge States and Topological Bragg Solitons, Zhang, WF; Chen, XF; Kartashov, YV; Konotop, VV; Ye, FW, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, vol. 123 p. 25 (2019) DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.123.254103
- Designing lasing and perfectly absorbing potentials, Vladimir V. Konotop, Evgeny Lakshtanov, and Boris Vainberg, Phys. Rev. A vol. 99, 043838 (2019)
- Electroweak Corrections to Dark Matter Direct Detection in a Vector Dark Matter Model, S. Glaus, M. Mühlleitner, J. Müller, S. Patel, R. Santos, JHEP 1910 (2019) 152
- Enhanced propagation of motile bacteria on surfaces due to forward scattering, S. Makarchuk, V. C. Braz, N. A.M. Araújo, L. Ciric, G. Volpe. Nature Communications 10, 4110 (2019)
- Fundraising and vote distribution: a non-equilibrium statistical approach, H. P. M. Melo, N. A. M. Araújo, and J. S. Andrade Jr. Plos One 14, e0223059 (2019)
- Impact of inter-country distances on international tourism, T. Verma, L. Rebelo, N. A.M. Araújo. PLoS One 14, e0225315 (2019)
- Interplay of dynamical and structure effects in the observables for 12C(p,2p) near 400 MeV with polarized and unpolarized beams, A. Mecca, E. Cravo, A. Deltuva, R. Crespo, A.A. Cowley, A. Arriaga, R.B. Wiringa, T. Noro, Physics Letters B, Volume 798, 134989 (2019)
- LHC Dark Matter Working Group: Next-generation spin-0 dark matter models, T. Abe et al, Physics of the Dark Universe (2019) 100351
- Models with extended Higgs sectors at future 𝑒+𝑒− colliders, D. Azevedo, P. Ferreira, M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos, J. Wittbrodt, Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.5, 055013
- Models with extended Higgs sectors at future e+e−e^+ e^-e+e− colliders, Duarte Azevedo, Pedro Ferreira, M. Margarete Mühlleitner, Rui Santos, Jonas Wittbrodt, Phys.Rev.D 99 (2019) 5, 055013
- Models with Extended Higgs Sectors at Future e+e- Colliders, D. Azevedo, P. Ferreira, M. M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos, J. Wittbrodt. Phys. Rev. D 99, 055013 (2019)
- No strong CP violation up to the one-loop level in a two-Higgs-doublet model, P.M. Ferreira , L. Lavoura , Eur.Phys.J. C79 (2019) no.7, 552
- One-loop contribution to dark matter-nucleon scattering in the pseudoscalar dark matter model, D. Azevedo, M. Duch, B. Grzadkowski, D. Huang, M. Iglicki, R.Santos. JHEP 01 138 (2019)
- One-loop contribution to dark-matter-nucleon scattering in the pseudo-scalar dark matter model, D. Azevedo, M. Duch, B. Grzadkowski, Da Huang, M. Iglicki, R. Santos, JHEP 1901 (2019) 138
- Optimal number of linkers per monomer in linker-mediated aggregation, G. C. Antunes, C. S. Dias, M. M. Telo da Gama, and N. A. M. Araújo. Soft Matter 15, 3712 (2019)
- Patchy particles at a hard wall: Orientation-dependent bonding, P. I. C. Teixeira and F. Sciortino. Journal of Chemical Physics 151 (2019) 174903
- Pseudoscalar decays to gauge bosons at the LHC and at a future 100 TeV collider, A. Arhrib, R. Benbrik, J. El Falaki, M. Sampaio, R. Santos, Phys.Rev. D99 (2019) no.3, 035043
- Recovering superhydrophobicity in nanoscale and macroscale surface textures, A. Giacomello, L. Schimmele, S. Dietrich, and M. Tasinkevych, Soft Matter 15, 7462 (2019)
- Route to chaos in a coupled microresonator system with gain and loss, Krzysztof Zegadlo, Hung Viet Nguyen, Vladimir V. Konotop, Jakub Zakrzewski & Marek Trippenbach, Nonlinear Dynamics volume 97, pages 559–569 (2019)
- Shape-directed rotation of homogeneous micromotors via catalytic self-electrophoresis, A. M. Brooks, M. Tasinkevych, S. Sabrina, D. Velegol, A. Sen, and K. J. M. Bishop, Nature Communications 10 1-9, (2019)
- Solitons in Inhomogeneous Gauge Potentials: Integrable and Nonintegrable Dynamics, Y. V. Kartashov, V. V. Konotop, M. Modugno, and E. Ya. Sherman, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 064101 (2019)
- Spectral singularities of a potential created by two coupled microring resonators, Vladimir V. Konotop, Barry C. Sanders, and Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Optics Letters, vol. 44, p. 2024 (2019)
- Spectral singularities of odd-PT-symmetric potentials, Vladimir V. Konotop and Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Phys. Rev. A 99, 013823 (2019)
- Testing scalar versus vector dark matter, D. Azevedo, M. Duch, B. Grzadkowski, D. Huang, M. Iglicki, R. Santos. Phys. Rev. D 99, 015017 (2019)
- Three-body calculations for (p; pN) reactions: Kinematically inclusive, semi-inclusive, and fully exclusive cross sections, R. Crespo, E. Cravo and A. Deltuva. Phys. Rev. C 99, 054622 (2019)
- Unidirectional invisibility and enhanced reflection of short pulses in quasi-PT-symmetric media, V. A. Bushuev, D. M. Tsvetkov, V. V. Konotop, and B. I. Mantsyzov, Optics Letters vol. 44, p. 5667 (2019)
- Vacuum Instabilities in the N2HDM, P.M. Ferreira, M. Mühlleitner, R. Santos, G. Weiglein, J. Wittbrodt (DESY), JHEP 1909 (2019) 006
- Wetting of Nematic Liquid Crystals on Crenellated Substrates: A Frank–Oseen Approach, Ó. A. Rojas-Gómez, M. M. Telo da Gama and J. M. Romero-Enrique, Crystals 9, 430 (2019)