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- A Two-Higgs Doublet Model With Remarkable CP Properties, P.M. Ferreira and Joao P. Silva, Eur. Phys. J. C, 69 45-52 (2010)
- All-optical steering of light via spatial Bloch oscillations in a gas of three-level atoms. , C. Huang, and V. V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053849 (2010)
- All-optical steering of light via spatial Bloch oscillations in a gas of threelevel atoms, C. Hang, V. V. Konotop , Phys. Rev. A 81, 053849 (2010)
- Basis invariant conditions for supersymmetry in the two-Higgs-doublet model, P.M. Ferreira, Howard E. Haber and Joao P. Silva, Phys.Rev. D, 82 016001 (2010)
- BSM Higgs searches in the gluon fusion process pp → h + jet → \tau+ \tau- + jet at the LHC, A. Belyaev, R. Guedes, Stefano Moretti and R. Santos, PoS DIS2010, 207 (2010)
- Compactons in Nonlinear Schrödinger Lattices with Strong Nonlinearity Management, F. Kh. Abdullaev, P. G. Kevrekidis, and M. Salerno, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 113901 (2010)
- Control of a Bose-Einstein condensate by dissipation: Nonlinear Zeno effect, V. S. Shchesnovich, V. V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053611 (2010)
- CP properties of symmetry-constrained two-Higgs-doublet models, P.M. Ferreira, M. Maniatis, O. Nachtmann and Joao P. Silva, JHEP 1008, 125 (2010)
- Deposition of ellipsoidal particles, under preparation, Reza M. Baram, Pedro G. Lind,
- Discrete Snaking: Multiple Cavity Solitons in Saturable Media, A. V. Yulin and A. R. Champneys, SIAM Journal of Applied Dynamical Systems, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 391–431, (2010)
- Dissipative defect modes in periodic structures , Y. V. Kartashov, V. V. Konotop, V. A. Vysloukh, and L. Torner, Opt. Lett. 35, 1638-1640 (2010)
- Dissipative double-well potential: Nonlinear stationary and pulsating modes, D.A. Zezyulin, V.V. Konotop, G.L. Alfimov, Physical Review E 82, 056213 (2010)
- Dissipative periodic waves, solitons, and breathers of the nonlinear Schrdinger equation with complex potentials, F. Kh. Abdullaev, V. V. Konotop, M. Salerno, and A. V. Yulin, Phys. Rev. E 82, 056606 (2010)
- Dissipative periodic waves, solitons, and breathers of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation with complex potentials, F. Kh. Abdullaev, V. V. Konotop, M. Salerno, and A. V. Yulin, Physical Review E, 82, 056606 (2010)
- Dissipative surface solitons in periodic structures , Y. V. Kartashov, V. V. Konotop, and V. A. Vysloukh, Europhys. Lett. 91, 34003 (2010)
- Dynamics of inhomogeneous condensates in contact with a surface, Y. V. Bludov, Z. Y. Yan, V. V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A, 81 063610 (2010)
- Dynamics of inhomogeneous condensates in contact with a surface., Y. V. Bludov, Z. Y. Yan, and V. V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A, 81 063610 (2010)
- Effect of polydispersity on the ordering transition of adsorbed self-assembled rigid rods, N. G. Almarza, J. M. Tavares and M. M. Telo da Gama, Physical Review E, 82, 061117 (2010)
- Electrorheological study of the nematic LC 4-n-hepthyl-4-cyanobiphenyl: experimental and theoretical treatment , M. T. Cidade, C. R. Leal and P. Patricio, Liquid Crystals, Vol. 37, 1305 (2010).
- Equilibrium self-assembly of colloids with distinct interaction sites: Thermodynamics, percolation and cluster distribution functions, J. M. Tavares, P. I. C. Teixeira, M. M. Telo da Gama and F. Sciortino, Journal of Chemical Physics, 132, 234502 (2010)
- Extracting strong measurement noise from stochastic time series: applications to empirical data, P.G. Lind, M. Haase, F. Boettcher, J. Peinke, D. Kleinhans and R. Friedrich, Physical Review E 81 041125 (2010)
- Higgs boson phenomenology in τ+τ- final states at the LHC, A. Belyaev, R. Guedes, S. Moretti and R. Santos, JHEP 1007 051 (2010)
- Higgs boson phenomenology in tau+ tau- final states at the LHC, Alexander Belyaev, Renato Guedes, Stefano Moretti, Rui Santos, JHEP 1007:051,2010
- Highly entangled photons and rapidly responding polarization qubit phase gates in a room-temperature active Raman gain medium, C. Hang and G. Huang, Phys. Rev. A 82, 053818 (2010)
- Matter waves and quantum tunneling engineered by time-dependent interactions, Yu. V. Bludov, V. V. Konotop, M. Salerno, Phys. Rev. A 81, 053614 (2010)
- Nonlinear modes in a complex parabolic potential, Dmitry A. Zezyulin, Georgy L. Alfimov, and Vladimir V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A 81, 013606 (2010)
- Nonlinear patterns in Bose-Einstein condensates in dissipative optical lattices, Yu. V. Bludov and V. V. Konotop, Phys. Rev. A 81, 013625 (2010)
- Percolation of colloids with distinct interaction sites, J. M. Tavares, P. I. C. Teixeira and M. M. Telo da Gama, Physical Review E 81 (2010) 010501(R)
- Renormalization-group constraints on Yukawa alignment in multi-Higgs-doublet models, P.M. Ferreira, L. Lavoura and Joao P. Silva, Phys.Lett. B688 (2010) 341-344
- Scaling of the elastic contribution to the surface free energy of a nematic liquid crystal on a sawtoothed substrate, J. M. Romero-Enrique, C.-T. Pham, and P. Patricio, Phys. Rev. E., Vol. 82, 011707 (2010).
- Shear-induced lamellar ionic liquid-crystal foam, A. J. Ferreira, C. Cruz, M. H. Godinho, P. S. Kulkarni, C. A. M. Afonso and P. I. C. Teixeira, Liquid Crystals 37 (2010) 377-382
- Simple Thermodynamics of Jet Engines, P. Patricio and J. M. Tavares, Am. J. Phys., Vol. 78, 809 (2010).
- Simulation of defects in bubble clusters, S. J. Cox, P. I. C. Teixeira and M. F. Vaz, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 22 (2010) 065101
- Superdiffusion of massive particles induced by multi-scale velocity fields, Reza M. Baram, Pedro G. Lind, Jose Andrade and Hans J. Herrmann, EPL 91, 28006 (2010)
- Three-dimensional rogue waves in nonstationary parabolic potentials , Z. Yan, V. V. Konotop, and N. Akhmediev, Phys. Rev. E 82, 036610 (2010)
- Thresholdless surface solitons , Y. V. Bludov, Y. V. Kartashov, and V. V. Konotop, Opt. Lett. 35, 3339-3341 (2010)
- Vector rogue waves in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates, Yu. V. Bludov, V. V. Konotop, N. Akhmediev, European Phys. JournalSpecial Topics, 185, 169-180 (2010)
- Vector rogue waves in binary mixtures of Bose-Einstein condensates. , Y. V. Bludov, V. V. Konotop, and N. Akhmediev, Europ. J. Phys. - Special Topics, 185, 169-180 (2010)
- Very Light Higgs Bosons in Extended Models at the LHC, Alexander Belyaev, Renato Guedes, Stefano Moretti, Rui Santos, Phys.Rev. D81 095006 (2010) arXiv:0912.4150
- Vortex lattice solitons supported by localized gain , Y. V. Kartashov, V. V. Konotop, V. A. Vysloukh, and L. Torner, Opt. Lett, 35, 3177-3179 (2010)