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Earth System Modelling for the 21st Century. What does High-Resolution Entail?

By: Rita Cardoso
From: Instituto Dom Luiz, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
At: Building C8, room 8.2.19

Regional climate modelling emerged in the last decades as one of the best tools to assess the evolution of regional to local climate in the framework of global warming. Regional climate models are used to dynamically downscale general circulation models (GCM) and are expected to improve the representation of physically consistent regional and local circulations. The EURO-CORDEX simulations at 0.11° and simulations exploiting finer grid spacing approaching the convective-permitting regimes are representative examples of the skill of these models to represent regional to local circulations. However, climate runs are computationally very demanding.  Very-high resolution simulations  (2 km – 80 m)  are not yet feasible at climate scales (30 years or more), yet short-lived phenomena can be simulated with increasing precision.
Here, the results for high-resolution climate simulations will be presented, along with those of the 2018 Leslie cyclone (2 km) and Pedrogão Grande fires in 2017 (80 m).