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Synergistic combination of computer simulation and machine-learning for soft flowing matter

By: Sauro Succi
From: Italian Institute of Technology, Center for Life Nano-Neuro Sciences@La Sapienza, Rome, and Physics Department, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA
At: Building C3, room 3.2.16

Soft materials, such as foams, emulsions, gels and many others play a major role in many natural and industrial processes. Besides their numerous applications in science, engineering and life sciences, soft flowing materials present a major challenge to non-equilibrium statistical physics because of their peculiar mechanical and rheological properties, which cannot be traced back to those of three fundamental states of matter (liquid, gas and solid), especially under strong geometrical confinement. In this talk I shall present selected examples of the synergistic combination of computer simulations and machine-learning algorithms in unraveling the dynamics light of these fascinating states of soft flowing matter.