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Past seminars Seminários já decorridos

Capturing Joint Behavioral States in Zebrafish (Danio rerio) Fights

By: Rafael Almada
From: Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
At: Building C1, room 1.4.14

Animal behavior is a fascinating area from a physical perspective and yet there are several challenges in making physical models about it. A specific challenge comes from deriving models from data, removing human-centric bias when defining behaviors. A good example of the complexity associated with this task can be seen in animal contests, such as in zebrafish (Danio rerio) fights or dyadic contests. Our work consisted mainly of deriving behavioral states of this interaction, using simple physical interpretable variables. Using techniques from signal processing and symbolic analysis, we are able to recover a representation of these behavioral states, possibly capturing a larger structure of a contest.