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CFTC-Industry Initiative: Soft Matter Science in Food Research & Development

By: Jan Engmann
From: Nestlé Research, Switzerland
At: C8, 8.02.30

Food Research & Development benefit strongly from knowledge of soft matter physics (see e.g. Mezzenga et al., 2005; Ubbink et al. 2008). In particular controlling the deformation and flow (rheology) of microstructured materials to design innovative products and processes and mass transfer in complex media to deliver excellent taste and nutritional value are critical. This talk will illustrate some key challenges and opportunities in the understanding of complex food structures, their interactions with the human body (Engmann & Burbidge, 2013) and the translation of physical and chemical stimuli into sensorial perceptions – from materials science to biophysics to psychophysics.

Mezzenga et al. (2005), Nature Materials 4(10), 729-740.

Ubbink et al. (2008), Soft Matter 4(8), 1569-1581.

Engmann & Burbidge (2013), Food & Function 4(3), 443-447.