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Control of Monolayer Graphene Plasmon Using Liquid Crystal Layer

By: Victor Reshetnyak
From: National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv
At: Faculdade de Ciências, Ed. C8, 8.2.06

with: I. P. Pinkevych, V. Zadorozhnii and D.R. Evans

Recently it was found the surface plasmon polaritons in graphene monolayer. These plasmons possess stronger mode confinement and lower propagation loss in the mid-infrared region [1-3]. The resonance frequency in graphene ω0 varies with Fermi level, Ef, and depends on the dielectric constants of layers placed above and below the monolayer graphene. Dielectric constant of liquid crystal depends on the orientation of the liquid crystal director, and so it can be tuned by reorienting the LC director. In this study we suggest to control the transmittance of monolayer graphene placed between silicon grating and liquid crystal slab by reorienting the LC director. Our modelling of the electric control of graphene plasmon in the hybrid system under investigation involves the following elements: liquid crystal director spatial profile, electric field distribution in liquid crystal and electromagnetic wave propagation through the sandwich: LC-monolayer graphene-silicon grating.

Acknowledgement: This work was partly supported by the EOARD/STCU Grant P652.



[1] M. Jablan, Phys. Rev. B, 80, 245435 (2009).

[2] J. N. Chen et al., Nature 487 (7405), 77 (2012).

[3] Z. Fei et al., Nature 487 (7405), 82 (2012).