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Interaction of the surface plasmon polaritons with structured 2D metallic surfaces

By: Vladimir Kuzmiak
From: Institute of Photonics and Electronics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic​
At: Instituto de Investigação Interdisciplinar, Anfiteatro

We report two phenomena associated with propagation of the surface plasmon along the planar structured metallic structures. At first, we study theoretically propagation of a surface plasmon polariton across a planar metal surface perturbed by N equally spaced rectangular grooves, each of them with the same width but with varying depth . We found that for a linear dependence of the nn, the transmissivity of the surface plasmon polariton and of the power radiated into the vacuum above the surface, as functions of its frequency, consists of N equally spaced dips and peaks, respectively. These are the signatures of the surface plasmon polariton analogue of a Wannier-Stark ladder. At second,we describe a surface structure that possesses a different transmissivity for a surface plasmon polariton incident on it from one side of it than it has for a surface plasmon polariton incident on it from the opposite side. This asymmetric transmission of a surface plasmon polariton does not require either electrical nonlinearity or the presence of a magnetic field but is a consequence solely of the geometry of the structure. This property of the structure is demonstrated by the results of computer simulation calculations.