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Past seminars Seminários já decorridos

Constructed wetlands as a sustainable technology for wastewater treatment in small agglomerations

By: Ana Galvão
From: IST
At: Complexo Interdisciplinar, Anfiteatro

The problems faced when constructing and operating WWTP serving small communities may be relevant when energy and labour costs are relatively high, or when the visual impact on the surroundings areas is especially negative. Sustainable treatment solutions require the selection of appropriate technologies using fewer resources. Constructed wetlands are known as a sustainable technology used in many countries to treat wastewater, especially adequate for effluents from small agglomerations due to the simplicity of operation and low maintenance costs. The treatment processes are based in natural systems, thus being influenced by weather conditions like temperature, solar radiation and precipitation. The main characteristics and advantages of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment will be presented, as well as results from several research topics including modelling flows and the influence of high flows or mass discharges.