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Polymer thin films for nanotechnology: The adsorption of chains and stars on to smooth surfaces

By: Philip J. Camp
From: School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
At: Complexo Interdisciplinar, Anfiteatro

Polymer films are employed in many technological applications such as microelectronics, surface nanopatterning, adhesion, and friction modification. Recent atomic-force microscopy measurements have revealed a range of complex, self-assembled structures in films formed by linear and star polymers physisorbed on to mica surfaces from dilute solution and then annealed by a good solvent-to-bad solvent quench [1].

In this presentation, computer simulation results will be reported, which shed light on the mechanism of polymer adsorption [2]. Linear polymers and star polymers will be considered separately; in the latter case, an interesting crossover from polymer-like to soft colloid-like behavior will be described, which occurs as the number of arms in the star polymer is increased. In addition to yielding insight on experiments, the simulation results allow various theoretical scaling laws to be rigorously tested.

[1] E. Glynos, A. Chremos, G. Petekidis, P. J. Camp, and V. Koutsos, Macromolecules 40, 6947 (2007) doi:10.1021/ma0708803.
[2] A. Chremos, E. Glynos, V. Koutsos, and P. J. Camp, Soft Matter (in press) doi:10.1039/b812234b.