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Mathematical model for malaria: control strategies

By: Ana Paula Pintado Wyse
From: Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, Brasil
At: Complexo Interdisciplinar, Anfiteatro

The mathematical model proposed considers different treatment intensities accessible to the infected people and the pluviometric variation annual, that is presents in some malaria critical regions of the world. The parameters used were obtained to describe the situation of Amazonian region. Numerical simulations evidence the seasonal fluctuation and the relationship between the environment temperature and treatment efficiency, showing that the temperature increase strongly affects the extrinsic latent period, reducing the healthy care efficiency. Thus it becomes necessary another strategy to malaria control to be used with the drugs, then, scientists are creating transgenic mosquitoes refractory to malaria to couple with wild one, generating descending transgenic. To avaliate this situation, mathematical models describe the relationship between these two populations. An optimal control problem is used to indicate how the transgenic mosquitoes should be introduced in the environment.