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CFTC: CFTC, Max Planck Inst Stuttgart and Brookhaven Nat Lab in Marie Curie partnership

The CFTC, the Max Planck Institute for Metals Research in Stuttgart, Germany, and Brookhaven National Laboratory in the USA are now partners in a Marie Curie International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) funded by the European Union.

The aim of the scheme is to systematically study how structured surfaces influence the wetting and spreading properties of complex fluids, with a view to practical applications.

The group at the Max Planck in Stuttgart has a reputation in the theory of wetting phenomena of simple and complex liquids and has regular collaborations with CFTC.

The Soft Matter group at Brookhaven specializes in studies of soft matter at interfaces using Atomic Force Microscopy and X-rays from Brookhaven's National Synchrotron Light Source.

The collaboration will kick off with a workshop scheduled for 22-25 June in Brookhaven, USA.