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CFTC: Biomedical and Biophysical Engineering reception

CFTC reception to Biomedical and Biophysical Engineering students.


12th October - 04:30 PM

image Visit to CFTC lab

 Duration: 1h
 Language: Portuguese
 Location: FCUL 

12th October - 05:30 PM

Coffee Break


12th October - 05:45 PM

Uma imagem com parede, pessoa, interior, homem

Descrição gerada automaticamente Computer Simulation in Biomedicine and Biophysics

 Nuno Araújo - CTFC
 Duration: 1h30

 Language: Portuguese
 Location: FCUL
One of the main research lines at CFTC focus on the study of Soft Matter systems, a class of many-body (Condensed Matter) systems characterized by strong non-linear responses to weak external perturbations. These responses are usually slow and out of equilibrium, which raises fundamental challenges to the development of theories to describe them. Since the relevant length, time, and energy scales of biological systems are comparable to the ones of Soft Matter, there has been a sustained increase of research efforts to extend ideas and methods from Soft Matter Physics to the study of bio and bio-inspired systems. In this workshop, we will discuss what are the ongoing projects at CFTC, main challenges, and opportunities ahead.

