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CFTC: Advanced course on Conformal Invariance in 2D by Malte Henkel

Professor Malte Henkel, from Université de Lorraine, is visiting the Center for Theoretical and Computational Physics (CFTC), from November 4 to 15. During his visit, Professor Henkel will be lecturing a four-day advanced course on "Conformal Invariance in 2D".

You are all invited.

It will be a unique opportunity to learn from an expert in this topic.

Please, register here.


6/11/2019 (9h-10:30h): Room 8.2.04

7/11/2019 (9h-10:30h): FCiências.ID auditorium

13/11/2019 (9h-10:30h): FCiências.ID auditorium

14/11/2019 (9h-10:30h): Room 8.2.14