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CFTC: CFTC-LIP-Manchester Initiative: Experiment meets theory


The top quark is the heaviest of all elementary particles and therefore a door to new physics. On December 14, CFTC will meet the experimental particle physics groups from LIP-Lisboa, LIP-Braga and from the University of Manchester to discuss the potential of top-quark physics at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider High Luminosity phase. The High Luminosity LHC is an upgrade of the LHC to achieve instantaneous luminosities a factor of five larger than the LHC nominal value, thereby enabling the experiments to enlarge their data sample by one order of magnitude compared with the LHC baseline programme. The High-Luminosity LHC project was announced as the top priority of the European Strategy for Particle Physics in 2013.​

The event is on December 14th, at FCUL (building C3, room 3.1.10), and the entrance is free.

For further details check the site of the event here.