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Mykola Tasinkevych


(n. 1973) PhD in Chemistry, 1999, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland; Diploma in Physics, 1996, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, UkraineDepartment for Theoretical Physics, Ivan Franko Lviv National University, Lviv, Ukraine.

Scientific interests Áreas de Interesse Científico

Research interests include, but are not limited to: active colloids with the emphasis on controlling the behaviour of individual active particle; liquid crystal-colloid composites: Effective colloidal interactions mediated by liquid crystal (LC) distortions; effects of topologically nontrivial confinements on the structure of LCs and topological defects; capillary interaction-driven assembly of colloidal particles trapped at curved fluid interfaces wetting properties of nano-textured surfaces.

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