Publications Publicações
Papers Artigos
- Conformational states and protein stability in a proteomic perspective Vesna Prosinecki, Patrícia F.N. Faísca and Claudio M. Gomes, Current Proteomics 4, 44-52 (2007)
- Pathways to folding, nucleation events and native geometry Rui D. M. Travasso, Margarida M. Telo da Gama and Patrícia F.N. Faísca, Journal of Chemical Physics 127, 145106 (2007)
- Cooperativity and the origins of rapid, single-exponential kinetics in protein folding P.F.N. Faísca and K.W. Plaxco, Protein Science 15, 1608-1618 (2006)
- Folding of small proteins: A matter of geometry? P.F.N. Faísca and M.M. Telo da Gama, Molecular Physics 103, 2903-2910 (2005)
- The Go model revisited: Native structure and the geometric coupling between local and long-range contacts P.F.N. Faísca, M.M. Telo da Gama and A. Nunes, Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 60, 712-722 (2005)
- Folding and form: Insights from lattice simulations P.F.N. Faísca, M.M. Telo da Gama and R.C. Ball, Physical Review E 69, 051917 (2004) and Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 7, (11) June-1 (2004)
- Melnikov method for parabolic orbits J. Casasayas, P. Faísca and A. Nunes, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications 10, 119 (2003)
- Thermodynamic control and dynamical regimes in protein folding P.F.N. Faísca and R.C. Ball, Journal of Chemical Physics 116, 7231-7238 (2002) and Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 3, (8) April-15 (2002)
- Topological complexity, contact order and protein folding rates P.F.N. Faísca and R.C. Ball, Journal of Chemical Physics 117, 8587-8592 (2002) and Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 4, (9) November-1 (2002)
- Critical residues in protein folding: Insights from phi-value and Pfold analysis P.F.N. Faísca, R.D.M. Travasso, R.C. Ball and E.I. Shakhnovich (submitted)
Proceedings Atas de Conferência
- Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: The modulating role of protein sequence Rui D.M. Travasso, Patrícia F.N. Faísca and Margarida M. Telo da Gama, J. Phys.: Cond. Matt. 19 (2007) 285212
- Shaping protein folding dynamics with native state's geometry P.F.N. Faísca, Soft Condensed Matter: New Research, K.L. Dillon (Ed.), Nova Science Publishers (2006)
- Native geometry and the dynamics of protein folding P.F.N. Faísca and M.M. Telo da Gama, Biophysical Chemistry 115, 169-175 (2005)
- Protein folding kinetics: insights from lattice simulations P.F.N. Faísca, M.M. Telo da Gama and R.C. Ball, Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, Course CLV, The Physics of Complex Systems (New advances and perspectives) 155, 515-520 (2004)