Publications Publicações
Papers Artigos
- Asymptotic behavior of the warm inflation scenario with viscous pressure J. P. Mimoso, A. Nunes and D. Pavón, Physical Review D 73:023502 (2006)
- Phase dynamics and particle production in preheating T.C. Charters, A. Nunes and J.P. Mimoso, Physical Review D 71, 083515 (2005)
- A Qualitative Analysis of the Attractor Mechanism of General relativity José P. Mimoso and Ana Nunes, Astrophysics and Space Science 283, pp. 661-666, (2003)
- Scaling solutions from interacting fluids Ana Nunes, José P. Mimoso & Tiago C. Charters, Physical Review D 63, 083506 (2001)
- Stability analysis of cosmological models through Lyapunov's method Tiago C. Charters, Ana Nunes & José P. Mimoso, Classical and Quantum Gravity 18, 1703-1724, (2001)
- The density parameter in cosmologies with interacting fluids José P. Mimoso, Ana Nunes and Tiago Charters, New Worlds in Astroparticle Physics, World Scientific, pp. 208-212 (2001)
- The density parameter in scalar field cosmologies José P. Mimoso and Ana Nunes, Astronomy and Astrophysics Recent Developments, World Scientific, pp. 51-56 (2001)
- On the potentials yielding cosmological scaling solutions A. Nunes and J.P. Mimoso, Physics Letters B 488, 423-427 (2000)
- Slow-roll inflation without fine-tuning Tiago C. Charters, José P. Mimoso & Ana Nunes, Physics Letters B 427, 21-26, (2000)
Proceedings Atas de Conferência
- On The Dynamics Of K-Essence Models P. Jorge, J. P. Mimoso and D. Wands, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 66, 012031 (2007)
- Scaling behaviour in warm inflation José P. Mimoso, Ana Nunes and Diego Pavón, AIP Conference Proceedings Phi in the sky, pp. 176-181, (2004)