Projects Projectos
Principal Investigator Coordenação
- Energy localization periodically coupled system Program: Convénio entre Portugal (FCT) e a República Checa (ASCR) Partner: Dr. Vladimir Kuzmiak, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences Year: 2010
- Exploration of Bose-Einstein condensate affected by dissipation Partner: Prof Herwig Ott, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Germany Funding: Acordo FCT-DAAD: 2010-11, 3000 euro for the visits to Germany during 2010 Years: 2010-2011
- Nonlinear waves in deformed geometries Program: Pessoa Ref. pessoa124429294327753 Partner: Prof. J. G. Caputo, Laboratoire de Mathematiques, INSA de Rouen, BP 8, 76131 Mont-Saint- Aignan cedex France Funding: 6000.00 euro Years: 2010-2011
- OSP-HNLF - Optical Signal Processing Using Highly Nonlinear Fibers Reference: PTDC/EEA-TEL/105254/2008 Funding (of Portugues team): 16320.00 euro Prime Contractor: Universidade de Aveiro Years: 2010-2013
- Solitons in optical materials with modulations Program: Acção Integrada Luso-Espanhol Partner:Prof. Kestutis Staliunas Funding: 4000 euro. Years: 2010-2011
- Nonlinear Properties of Bose-Einstein Condensates in Nonlinear Lattices Program: FCT/CNR Partner: Prof. Mario Salerno, Department of Physics, University of Salerno, Salerno Funding: one mission from each side Years:2009-2010
- Nonlinearity Management of Atomic and Optical Systems (NOMATOS) Funding Agency: Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships, Grant PIIF-GA-2009-236099 Prime Contractor: Fundação da Universidade de Lisboa, CFTC 2009-2011
- Properties of localization of Bose-Einstein condensates and boson-fermion mixtures in two-dimensional optical lattices Program: Bilateral agreement between Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (GRICES) and the Academy of Sciences of Czech (ASCR) Partner: Dr. Vladimir Kuzmiak, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences Funding: 2020.00 euro Year: 2008
- Periodic gratings for managing optical dissipative solitons Program: Acções Integradas: Luso-Francesas, F-5/07 Partner: Prof. Majid Taki, Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et Molécules (PHLAM) Centre d'Etudes et de Recherches Lasers et Applications (CERLA) Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille Funding: 2000.00 euro Year: 2007
- Nonlinear Waves in Discrete, Periodic and Quasi-periodic Media Reference: POCI/FIS/56237/2004, Program POCI Funding: 70000.00 euro; FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal), Years: 2005-2008
- Analytical and computational study of nonlinear of nonlinear equations of Bose-Einstein condensate Program: Acção Integrada Luso-Espanhol No. E-23/03 Partner: Prof. Víctor Pérez-García, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Departamento de Matemáticas, Ciudad Real. Funding: 2350 euro Years: 2003-2004
- Dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensate in inhomogeneous optical lattices Program: Bilateral agreement between Gabinete de Relações Internacionais da Ciência e do Ensino Superior (GRICES) and the Academy of Sciences of Czech (ASCR) Partner: Dr. Vladimir Kuzmiak, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Czech (ASCR) Academy of Sciences Funding: 5510.00 euro Years: 2003-2006
- Two-wave interactions in the Davydov-Scott model Program: Acções Integradas: Luso-Francesas, F-4/03 Partner: Prof. Jerom Leon, Laboratoire de Physique Mathématique et Théorique, Universite Montpeller II Funding: 2000.00 euro Year: 2003
- Nonlinear Waves in Periodic and Discrete Structures: Applications NATO Linkage Grant PST.CLG.978177 (2002-2003)
- Dynamics of nonlinear Lattices: Global solutions and asymptotical properties Program: Bilateral agreement CAPES/ICCTI Nº 64/01 Partner: Prof. Gustavo Perla Menzala, Departamento de Matemática Aplicada, Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro Funding: Three trips of the Portuguese participants to Brazil and two stays of the Brazilian participants in Lisbon during the years 2001 e 2002 and 5197,00 euro for the years 2003 e 2004. Years: 2001-2004. Principal Investigator of the Portuguese team
- Analytical and computational study of nonlinear of nonlinear equations of Bose-Einstein condensate Program: Acção Integrada Luso-Espanhol No. E-89/00 Partner: Prof. Víctor Pérez-García, Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Industriales, Departamento de Matemáticas, Ciudad Real. Funding: 480000 escudos Years: 2000-2001
- Control, Synchronization and Characterization of spatially Extended Nonlinear System (COSYC) Reference: Programme "Human Potential - Research Training Networks" Call identifier: IHP-RTN-99-1. Contract No HPRN-CT-2000-00158 Principal contractor: Prof. Juergen Kurths, Universität Potsdam, Germany Funding: 1241719.00 euro Years: 2000-2004
- Transmission of information in physical and biological systems Reference: PRAXIS/P/FIS/10279/1998 Program PRAXIS XXI Funding: 5000000 escudos; FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia), Years: 1999-2000
- Defect modes in Bose-Einstein condensates confined in optical lattices Program: Bilateral Agreement betwen (initially Junta Nacional de Investigação Científica e Tecnológica) Instituto de Cooperação Científica e Tecnológica Internacional (ISSTI) and the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic Partner: Dr. Vladimir Kuzmiak, Institute of Radio Engineering and Electronics, Czech Academy of Sciences Funding: 1623000 escudos Years: 1997-2001
- Resonant Effects in Nonlinear Lattices Program: Convention on Scientific Convention JNICT - Danish Research Academy. Partner: Prof. Peter L. Christiansen,Department of Mathemátical Modelling, Technical University of Denmark Funding: 180000 escudos and two travels from Lisbon to Copenhagen Year: 1997
- Asymptotical properties of nonlinear Lattices Program: Cooperation within the Convention JNICT/CNPq. Partner: Prof. Gustavo Perla Menzala, Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica, CNPq (Brazil) Funding: Support of one travel of a Portuguese participant to Brazil and one stay of a Brazilian participant in Lisbon per each year of the project. Years: 1996-1998
- Nonlinear phenomena in optical communication lines NATO Linkage Grant "Nonlinear phenomena in optical communication lines" OUTR.LG 960298 (June 1996 - July 1998)
- Nonlinear phenomena in physical systems: Solitons e Chaos Reference: 2/2.1/FIS/176/94 Progarma PRAXIS XXI Funding: 10405000 escudos. FCT (Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal) Years: 1996-1999
- Wave dynamics in the presence of impurities and fractal structures. Applications Program: Acção Integrada Luso-Espanhol - 1996. Acção No. E-99/96. Partner: Prof. Luiz Vázquez, Departamento de Física Tórica, Universidade Complutense, Madrid Funding: 350000 escudos Years: 1996-1997
Team Member Participação
- Nonlinear modes in parity-time symmetric structures Reference: PTDC/FIS/112624/2009 Funding(total): €82290 Years: September 2013 – August 2015
- Steering of light in nonlinear waveguides with resonant interactions Reference: PTDC/FIS/112624/2009 Funding (total): €89.915,00 Years: February 2011- January 2014
- Dynamics, Stochastics Complexity - Theory e Applications Reference: EU-Contract Nr CHRX-CT93-0417 (DC 12 COMA)