Projects Projectos
Principal Investigator Coordenação
- The evolution of the Universe as a window to Dark Matter and collider physics FCT project with reference 2024.03328.CERN, starting December 2024, two years, 60000 euros
- Standard Model Extensions at the LHC FCT/CERN, CERN/FIS-PAR/0014/2019 (2020 to dec 2022), 40000 euros
- co-PI - From Higgs Phenomenology to the Unification of Fundamental In- teractions PTDC/FIS-PAR/31000/2017 (2019 to 2022). 200000 euros
- Non minimal Higgs models at the LHC FCT/CNRST (Prof. Abdesslam Arhrib,Tangier University), 2017-2018
- Investigation of extensions of the Standard Model including the effects of new physics up to the Planck scale and the current the LHC and astrophy- sical data Harmonia, National Science Center, Poland; PI - M. Krawczyk; PI for Portugal - R.Santos; 2016-2019
- Exploring Beyond the Standard Model Higgs Sectors FCT/DAAD (Prof. Margarete Muhlleitner, Karlsruher Institut fu ̈r Technologie KIT) 2015-2016
- Non Minimal Higgs H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014 Contract (GA) number 645722; PI - S. Moretti; PI for Portugal - R. Santos; 2015-2019
- Profiling the scalar boson recently discovered at the Large Hadron Collider FCT/CNRST, 2013-2014
- Renormalization and loop effects in the Standard Model and two Higgs doublet models INIDA-ICCTI-03232, DAAD, 1999-2000
- Higgs searches and bounds on the Higgs masses; Properties of the top quark GRICES/CNRST, 2006-2007
- Particle Physics at the LHC and ILC FCT reference POCTI/FIS/59741/2004, 2005-2008
- Particle Physics CERN/FCT reference PDCTI/FP/FNU/50155/2003, 2004-2005
Team Member Participação
- Particle Physics at the LHC - Large Hadron Collider - and in future colliders PTDC/FIS/117951/2010, 2011-2014
- Charged Higgs Bosons as Signals of New Physics British Council PMI 2 Connect - Research Co-operation Award, 2008-2010
- Particle Physics at the LHC and ILC PTDC/FIS/70156/2006, 2007-2010
- Extremely energetic cosmic rays POCTI/FIS/55759/2004
- Linguistic Resources for the study of African varieties of Portuguese PLUS/LIN/50270/2004, 2004-2006