Projects Projectos
Principal Investigator Coordenação
- High-performance computational design of biocompatible cell scaffolds for tissue engineering CPCA/A2/7269/2020 do Concurso FCT/CPCA/2020/01 em computação avançada (2021)
- Aproximação a múltiplas escalas da dinâmica coletiva de coloides ativados pela luz DAAD-Alemanha 2020_2021. Financiamento: Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst; Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Bilateral DAAD/FCT)
Team Member Participação
- Surfaces and interfaces of Soft Active Matter/CFTC 2022-2023. EXPL/FIS-MAC/0406/2021; Role: Task leader
- Active skyrmions in liquid crystal-colloid composite media, 1/2021–12/2023 Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology grant PTDC/FIS-MAC/5689/2020 (EUR 249,555/3 years). (Co-PI)
- Active Matter on Substrates: from single cells to tissues PTDC/FIS-MAC/28146/2017 (LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-028146) (2018-2021) - Leader of one task