Communications Comunicações
Invited Talks Palestras Convidadas
- Interfaces of Active Fluids Mini-colloquium MC47 on Non-equilibrium soft condensed matter of CMD31the General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (EPS), Braga 2-6 September 2024
- Interfaces of Scalar and Active Nematic Fluids Workshop Skyrmions on Liquid Crystals, Lisboa 9-11 September 2024
- From patchy colloids to Voronoi models: celebrating Francesco’s work From water to colloidal water in honour of Professor Francesco Sciortino, La Sapienza, 6-8 June 2022, Roma, Itália
- The Physics of Complex Systems, The Nobel Prize of Giorgio Parisi (plenária) Física 2022, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto 7-10 Setembro 2022
- Dynamic Interfaces of (Active) Liquid Crystals New directions in classical density functional theory workshop, International Centre for Mathematical Sciences, 11 - 15 May 2020, Edinburgh, UK (postponed 2021)
- Non-equilibrium interfaces 16th Granada Seminar, 7-17 June 2021
- Non-equilibrium interfaces Statistical Physics of Complex Systems in honour of Professor Robin Ball, 23-24 June 2021 (online edition)
- Designing colloidal structures at surfaces and in the bulk Aula Magna, PPG-Física, Agosto 2019, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, Brasil
- Designing colloidal structures: fast and slow dynamics Workshop on Optimal Design of Complex Materials, 14-18 Janeiro 2019, Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge U.K
- Moving interfaces in active and passive nematics Gordon Research Conference on Soft Order and Topology Motives in Biomedicine, Nanoscience, Cosmology, Living Matter and Emergent Industries, 7-12 Julho 2019, Colby-Sawyer College, New London, NH, USA
- Non-equilibrium collective dynamics of colloidal particles 2nd Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, Maio 2019, Porto, Portugal (por N. A. M. Araújo, C. S. Dias and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Non-equilibrium interfaces of patchy colloids and active systems 707 WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Wetting and Capillarity in Complex Systems, 24-29 November 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany
- Structure of aggregates of anisotropic colloidal particles at surfaces Workshop on Optimal Design of Soft Matter, 13-17 May 2019, Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge U.K
- Designing colloidal structures: selectivity and (slow) dynamics Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha
- Dynamics of colloidal self-organization D. B. Robinson Speaker Series, Fevereiro 2017, Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada
- Dynamics of colloidal self-organization Nanax8, Nanoscience with nanocrystals Conference, Braga July 2017, Portugal
- Liquid crystals at structured surfaces: elastic instabilities & colloidal assembly Spring school of the International Graduate Research Training Group on Self‐assembled soft matter nanostructures at interfaces, IRTG 1524 ﴾http://www.ssni.tu‐﴿ and the Triangle for Materials Research Science and Engineering Centre, ΔMRSEC ﴾﴿, Beverly MA, USA, March 2017
- Liquid crystals at structured surfaces: wetting & filling Spring school of the International Graduate Research Training Group on Self‐assembled soft matter nanostructures at interfaces, IRTG 1524 ﴾http://www.ssni.tu‐﴿ and the Triangle for Materials Research Science and Engineering Centre, ΔMRSEC ﴾﴿, Beverly MA, USA, March 2017
- Topological phases and topological transitions: Nobel material? Recreational Mathematics Colloquium V, Gathering for Gardner, Lisboa Janeiro 2017, Portugal
- Soft.Matter@PT2016 Nanociências e Nanotecnologia, Ciência 2016, Lisboa, July 4 – 6, 2016
- Aggregation of patchy colloids on substrates - a stochastic approach COST Workshop on Modelling of Flowing Matter, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16-18 February 2015 (por N. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Films of patchy particles far from equilibrium Workshop on Complex Liquids at Structured Surfaces: Theory Meets Experiment, Berlin, February 25 - 27, 2015 (com N. M. Araújo e C. S. Dias)
- Liquid crystals at surfaces and interfaces: from statics to dynamics COST Workshop on Modelling of Flowing Matter, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 16-18 February 2015 (com N. M. Silvestre e N. Bernardino)
- Liquid Crystals at Surfaces and Interfaces: from statics to dynamics (palestra plenária) The 13th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Manchester, September 7-11 2015 (com N. M. Silvestre and N. R. Bernardino)
- Electric Field-Driven Phase Transitions in Polarized Colloids 30th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Gravitational and Space Research, Pasadena, California USA, 22-26 October 2014 (por B. Kushid et al)
- Mixtures of functionalized colloids Dynamic Systems: From Statistical Mechanics to Engineering Applications, Hans J. Herrmann's 60th Anniversary International Conference, Zurich, Switzerland, 1/2014
- Patchy colloids with two (or more) energy scales (keynote) Ninth Liblice Conference on the Statistical Mechanics of Liquids, Sec Dam Lake, Czech Republic, 6/2014
- Self-assembly of patchy colloids Workshop on Computer Simulation of Biological Systems, Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM), Teheran, 29 April, 2014
- Self-organization of patchy colloids Workshop on Computer Simulation of Biological Systems, Institute for research in fundamental sciences (IPM), Teheran, 30 April, 2014
- Complex Fluids at Complex Interfaces: Switching between filled states Workshop on Wetting and Capillarity in Complex Systems, Dresden, Alemanha, 2/2013
- Liquid Crystals at Structured Substrates: Wetting versus Filling Gordon Research Conference on Liquid Crystals, University of New England, Maine, USA, 6/2013
- Complex Fluids at Complex Interfaces: Simply Complicated? Soft Matter 2012: BobFest Meeting, Bristol, UK, 4/2012
- Nematics at structured surfaces: Wetting without filling and filling without wetting Soft Matter at Interfaces Meeting, Ringberg Castle, Alemanha, 3/2012
- Self-assembly of anisotropic particles: nematic and patchy colloids 2nd Workshop on Interfacial Phenomena in Complex Fluids at Structured Surfaces: Theory meets Experiment, Lisbon, Portugal, 10/2012
- Phase transitions of binary mixtures of patchy particles: Bigels International Conference on Statistical Physics, SigmaPhi 2011, Ayia Napa, Cyprus, 7/2011
- Structured surfaces and nematic colloidal interactions: the role of defects Complex Liquids at Structured Surfaces: Theory meets Experiment Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA, 6/2011
- Phase transition of self-assembled rods and chains: Condensation or Percolation? Playing Mikado II, Luxemburg, Luxemburg. 5/2010
- Phase transitions of network fluids: criticality and percolation Second Meeting on Molecular Simulations: From simple fluids to chemical reactions, UAM, Mexico, 12/2010
- Do strongly dipolar fluids condense? Why do we care J.J. Weis Fest, Orsay, França, 10/2009
- How patchy can one get and still condense? Flowers and Jammers: from liquid crystals to grains, Lisboa, Portugal 6/2009 (por P. I. Teixeira com J. M. Tavares)
- Islands in free standing smectic C films Flowers and Jammers: from liquid crystals to grains, Lisboa, Portugal 6/2009 (por N. M. Silvestre com P. Patrício)
- Networks in soft matter and beyond FISES09, Física Estadística, Huelva, Spain, 9/2009
- Surface effects on nematics: wetting and anchoring at interfaces and decorated surfaces 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Lisbon, Portugal, 7/2007 (com P. Patrício)
- Network structure, fluctuations and the dynamics of infectious diseases XXXV Winter Meeting on Statistical Physics, Taxco, Mexico, 1/2006 (com A. Nunes)
- Surface effects on nematics: interfaces, decorated surfaces and colloids International School of Liquid Crystals, 13th Workshop on Colloids, Interfaces and Liquid Crystals, Erice, Italy, 7/2006
- Fora da lei: O papel da desordem na formação de padrões complexos Física para o Século XXI, Porto, Portugal, 12/2005
- Colloidal Interactions in 2D Nematic Emulsions STATPHYS, 22nd International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Bangalore, India, 7/2004
- Colloidal interactions in 2D liquid crystals. Part I ESF Exploratory workshop on Liquid Crystal Colloid Dispersions, 8/2003 (com P. Patrício)
- Theory of Colloids and Soft Matter Workshop of the TMR network on Rheology of Liquid Crystalline Materials, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/2001
- Theory of long-range critical wetting: where do we stand? Workshop of the TMR network on Foam Stability and Wetting Transitions, Lisboa, Portugal, 1/2000
- Phase Transitions at Liquid Crystal Interfaces European Research Conference on Complex Fluid Interfaces, Il Ciocco, Itália, 9/1999
- The Phase Diagrams of Dipolar and Ionic Fluids Fourth Claude Itzykson Meeting on Theoretical Approaches to Biological and Soft Systems, Paris, França, 6/1999
- Theory and Simulation of Strongly Dipolar Fluids 4th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Granada, Espanha, 7/1999
- Interfacial Properties of Complex Fluids TMR Workshop on Foam Stability and Wetting Transitions, ENS Paris, França, 5/1998
- Interfacial Properties of Complex Systems Millenium Prewetting Workshop, KU Leuven, Bélgica, 5/1998
- Sabão, Gotas e Vulcões: Interfaces e Superfícies Líquidas Física 98, Porto, Portugal, 9/1998
- Strongly Dipolar Fluids: A Theoretical and Computational Challenge Conference on Computational Physics CCP98, Granada, Espanha, 9/1998
- Ordem Orientacional em Líquidos: Diagramas de Fase e Propriedades Interfaciais 2º Encontro de Química-Física da SPQ, Porto, Portugal, 6/1995
- Orientational Order in Magnetic and Surfactant Systems European Symposium on Molecular Orientations at Interfaces, Torino, Itália, 10/1994
- Theories for the Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Tauplitz, Austria, 2/1994
- Ordem Orientacional em Interfaces Liquidas 1º Encontro de Química-Física da SPQ, Lisboa, Portugal, 7/1993
- Orientational Order at Liquid Interfaces 67th Annual Colloid and Surface Science Symposium, Toronto, Canadá, 6/1993
- Surface Phase Transitions Third European Days of Thermodynamics: Inhomogeneous Phases and Pattern Formation, Bruxelas, Bélgica, 12/1993
- Transições de Fase em Interfaces e Superficies Física 92, Vila Real, Portugal, 10/1992
- Layered Phases in Continuum Models of Ternary Mixtures Workshop on Dynamical Phenomena at Interfaces, Surfaces and Membranes, Les Houches, França, 2/1991
- Fluid Interfacial Phenomena 10th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1990
- Interfacial Phase Transitions 1st Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lyon, França, 7/1990
- Liquid Crystal Surfaces and Interfaces 13th International Liquid Crystals Conference, Vancouver, Canadá, 7/1990
- Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystal Films Symposium on Fundamental Properties of Interfaces in Simple and Complex Fluids, ACS Meeting, Boston, USA., 4/1990
- Transiciones de Fase Interfaciales FISES90, Física Estadística 90, Badajoz, Espanha, 4/1990
- Wetting Transitions: Statics and Dynamics Symposium on Synergetics-Nonlinear Phenomena, Madrid, Espanha, 10/1987
- Orientational Order and Surface Phase Transitions NATO-ASI and European Physical Society International Conference on “Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics: Interfacial Phenomena”, La Rábida, Espanha, 7/1986
- Phase Equilibria and Interfacial Properties of Model Ternary Mixtures Symposium on Statistical Mechanics of Interfacial Structures and their Dynamics, ACS Meeting, Chicago Il, U. S. A., 10/1985
- Theoretical Studies of Surfactants at Liquid-Liquid and Liquid-Vapour Interfaces Royal Society of Chemistry, Multicomponent Mixtures, Norwich, U. K., 10/1985
Talks Palestras
- Collective variable model for the dynamics of liquid crystal skyrmions Mini-colloquium MC47 on Non-equilibrium soft condensed matter of CMD31the General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (EPS), Braga 2-6 September 2024. (por T. Alvim com R. Coelho e M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Dynamics of Liquid Crystal Skyrmions: Insights from a Collective Variable Model International Liquid Crystal Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 21-26 July 2024 (por M. M. Telo da Gama com M. Tasinkevych e T. Alvim)
- Fluctuations and Structure at Active Interfaces Workshop on Anti-Diffusion in Multiphase and Active Flows. Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge UK, 10-14 June 2024 (por M. M. Telo da Gama) as part of the Programme Anti-diffusive dynamics: from sub-cellular to astrophysical scales January-June 2024
- Liquid Crystal Skyrmions in shear flows International Liquid Crystal Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 21-26 July 2024 (por R. Coelho com Hanquing Zao, Guilherme Amaral, Mykola Tasinkevych, Ivan Smalyukh and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Active nematics on surfaces: from droplet motility and scission to active wetting Building a bridge between non-equilibrium statistical physics and living matter, Isaac Newton Institute for the Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge UK, 3-7 July 2023
- Active nematics on surfaces: from droplet motility and scission to active wetting 28th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Tokyo Japan, 7-11 August 2023
- Active-passive interfaces in active nematics III Encontro Nacional de Física Estatística, Brazil, 2021 (held remotely) (por R. C. V. Coelho com N. A. M. Araújo and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Brownian motion of deformable capsules in a fluid 30th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, 2021 (held remotely). (por D. P. F. Silva com R. C. V. Coelho, M. M. Telo da Gama, and N. A. M. Araújo)
- Dispersion of activity in active nematics 30th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, 2021 (held remotely) (por R. C. V. Coelho com N. A. M. Araújo and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Collective motion of soft particles in a channel 29th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, 13-17th July 2020, Viterbo, Italy (held remotely) (por D. P. F. Silva, R. C. V. Coelho, M. M. Telo da Gama, and N. A. M. Araújo)
- Discontinuous shear thinning of soft particles in a 3D microchannel Conference on Condensed Matter EPS-CMD2020 GEFES, organized jointly by the CMD28 Condensed Matter Divison of the European Physical Society and the Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido da Real Sociedad Española de Física, August 31- September 4 2020, Madrid, Spain. / CMD 2020 GEFES (held remotely) (por D. P. F. Silva, R. C. V. Coelho, M. M. Telo da Gama, and N. A. M. Araújo)
- Dynamics of interfaces in active liquid crystals Conference on Condensed Matter EPS-CMD2020 GEFES, organized jointly by the CMD28 Condensed Matter Divison of the European Physical Society and the Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido da Real Sociedad Española de Física, August 31- September 4 2020, Madrid, Spain. / CMD 2020 GEFES (held remotely) (por R. C. V. Coelho, N. A. M. Araújo e M. M. Telo da Gama)
- How to design cell-mediated self-assembled colloidal scaffolds Conference on Condensed Matter EPS-CMD2020 GEFES, organized jointly by the CMD28 Condensed Matter Divison of the European Physical Society and the Grupo Especializado de Física del Estado Sólido da Real Sociedad Española de Física, August 31- September 4 2020, Madrid, Spain. / CMD 2020 GEFES (held remotely) (por C. S. Dias, C. A. Custódio, G. C. Antunes, M. M. Telo da Gama, J. F. Mano and N. A. M. Araújo)
- Propagation of interfaces in active nematics 29th International Conference on Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics, 13-17 th July 2020, Viterbo, Italy (held remotely) (por R. C. V. Coelho, N. A. M. Araújo, M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Collective dynamics of elongated microswimmers Encontro Ciência 2019, July 2019, Lisbon, Portugal (por R. C. V. Coelho, N. A.M. Araújo and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Interaction anisotropy in particle deposition at the edges of drying drops 2nd Condensed Matter Physics National Conference, May 2019, Porto, Portugal (por C. S. Dias com P. J. Yunker, A. G. Yodh, N. A. M. Araújo, and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Ordering of Binary Colloidal Crystals by Random Potentials 2nd Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, May 2019, Porto, Portugal (por A. Nunes, M. M. Telo da Gama, N. A. M. Araújo)
- Stability of the nematic-isotropic interface of active liquid crystals in a microchannel 2nd Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, May 2019, Porto, Portugal (por R. C. V. Coelho, N. A.M. Araújo and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Cell mediated sel-assembly of colloidal scaffolds Conference Flowing Matter 2018, February 2018, Lisbon, Portugal (por G. Antunes com C.S. Dias e N. A. M. Araújo)
- How to localize spatial defects on colloidal crystals Conference Flowing Matter 2018, February 2018, Lisbon, Portugal (por A. Nunes com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Kinetics of the adsorption of DNA-coated colloidal particles on mobile patches Conference Flowing Matter 2018, February 2018, Lisbon, Portugal (por D. Pinto com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Aggregation dynamics of coloidal particles at interfaces Nanax8, Nanoscience with nanocrystals Conference, Braga July 2017, Portugal (por N. A. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Dynamics of low-valence colloidal networks adsorbed on substrates Flowing matter 2017 - COST Action [MP1305] event, January 2017 Porto, Portugal (por C. S. Dias, com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Dynamics of self-organization of network fluids 10th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Ljubljana July 2017, Slovenia (por C. S. Dias cm N. A. M. Araújo)
- How does shape anisotropy affect the aggregation of colloidal particles at the edge of an evaporating drop 10th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Ljubljana July 2017, Slovenia (por N. A. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias, P. J. Yunker e A. G. Yodh)
- Interaction anisotropy and the KPZ to KPZQ transition in particle deposition at the edges of drying drops Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Interaction anisotropy and the KPZ to KPZQ transition in particle deposition at the edges of drying drops Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Kinetic segregation in colloidal mixtures Flowing matter 2017 - COST Action [MP1305] event, January 2017 Porto, Portugal (por A. S. Nunes, com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Field driven dynamics of a binary colloidal mixture 26th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Lyon 18-22 July 2016, France (por N. A. M. Araújo com A. S. Nunes)
- Field-driven self-organization of colloidal mixtures Física 2016, 8-10 Setembro 2016, Braga, Portugal (por N. A. M. Araújo com A. S. Nunes e A. Gupta)
- Lane formation and stability in colloidal mixtures Física 2016, 8-10 Setembro 2016, Braga, Portugal (por A. S. Nunes com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Relaxation dynamics of colloidal networks 26th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Lyon 18-22 July 2016, France (com N. A. M. Araújo e C. S. Dias)
- Relaxation dynamics of functionalized colloids on attractive substrates January 2016, Flowing matter 2016 - COST Action [MP1305] event, Porto, Portugal (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Temperature driven dynamical arrest of a network fluid: the role of loops Física 2016, 8-10 Setembro 2016, Braga, Portugal (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Collective dynamics in the presence of external fields Computational Approaches to Materials Design, Aveiro, June 2015 (por N. A. M. Araújo com A. S. Nunes)
- Growth of complex colloidal films VII International Materials Symposium, Porto, June 2015 (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Interfacial properties of functionalized colloids on substrates 6th Iberian Meeting on Colloids and Interfaces, Guimarães, July 2015 (por N. A. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Modeling functionalized colloids on substrates Computational Approaches to Materials Design, Aveiro, June 2015 (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Aggregation of functionalized colloids on substrates Kick-off Workshop of the COST Action MP1305 on Flowing Matter, December 2014, Instituto para a Investigação Interdisciplinar, Lisboa, Portugal (por C. S. Dias com N. M. Araújo)
- Irreversible adsorption of patchy colloids on substrates 88th ACS Colloid & Surface Science Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, June 2014, United States (por N. A. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Kinetic roughening of aggregates of patchy particles Liquids 2014, 9th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lisbon, July 2014, Portugal (por N. A. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Non-equilibrium adsorption of complex colloids on substrates NESS: Non-equilibrium Simulation School, Imperial College, London, September 2014, United Kingdom (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Bonded boojum-colloids in nematic liquid crystals 25th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Seoul 21-26 July 2013, South Korea (com N. Silvestre, Z. Eskandari and M. Tasinkevych)
- Interfacial motion in flexo- and order-electric switching between nematic filled states The Mathematics of Liquid Crystals - Young Researchers Meeting, The Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge, April 21-22, 2013, UK (por M. Blow)
- Kinetics of Electric Field-driven Phase Transitions in Polarized Colloids The 29th American Society for Gravitational and Space Research and 5th International Symposium for Physical Sciences in Space, November 3 – 8, 2013 Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, USA (por B. Kushid et al.)
- Nonequilibrium growth of functionalized colloids on substrates 25th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Seoul 21-26 July 2013, South Korea (por C. Dias com N. Araújo)
- Re-entrant wetting of network fluids 25th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Seoul 21-26 July 2013, South Korea (por N. Bernardino)
- Re-entrant wetting of network fluids 2nd Workshop on Interfacial Phenomena in Complex Fluids at Structured Surfaces: Theory meets Experiment, Lisbon, Portugal, 10/2012 (por N R Bernardino)
- Switching between nematic filled states: flexoelectric and order-electric couplings 2nd Workshop on Interfacial Phenomena in Complex Fluids at Structured Surfaces: Theory meets Experiment, Lisbon, Portugal, 10/2012 (por M L Blow)
- A dissimilar patch model with a pinched phase diagram 8th Liquid Matter Conference, Vienna, Austria, 6/ 2011 (por J. Russo comJ. M. Tavares, P. I. C. Teixeira and F. Sciortino)
- Binary mixtures of patchy colloids with distinct numbers and types of patches Complex Liquids at Structured Surfaces: Theory meets Experiment Workshop, Brookhaven National Laboratory, New York, USA, 6/2011 (por D. de las Heras com J. M. Tavares)
- Complex fluids at complex surfaces: simply complicated? 8th Liquid Matter Conference, Vienna, Austria, 9/2011 (por J. M. Romero-Enrique com P. Patrício, N. M. Silvestre, C.-T. Pham, Z. Eskarandi)
- How patchy can one get and still condense? Criticality and percolation of colloids with dissimilar patches 24th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Cairns, Australia 7/2010 (com J. M. Tavares and P. I. C. Teixeira)
- How patchy can one get and still condense? The role of dissimilar interactions in the criticality and percolation of colloids Encontro Naciona de Física da Matéria Condensada, Lisboa, Portugal, 2/2010 (por J. M. Tavares com P. I. C. Teixeira)
- Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: the modulating role of protein sequence Proteins in Health and Disease: from Structure to Function, Lisbon, Portugal, 2/2007 (por Rui D. M. Travasso, com P. F. N. Faísca)
- Sustained oscillations in simple epidemic models 27th Dynamics Days Europe Loughborough University, U.K., 7/2007(por G. Rozhnova, com A. Nunes)
- Sustained Oscillations in simple epidemic models STATPHYS, 23rd International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Genoa, Italia, 7/2007 (com G. Rozhnova e A. Nunes)
- Disease diversity and fluctuations in dynamic small world networks European Conference on Complex Systems, ECCS 06, Oxford, U.K., 9/2006 (por A. Nunes, com T. Nedelea e M. Simões)
- Elliptic inclusions in smectic-C films International School of Liquid Crystals, 13th Workshop on Colloids, Interfaces and Liquid Crystals, Erice, Italy, 7/2006 (por N. Silvestre com P. Patrício)
- Fluctuations and Disease Dynamics: The roles of contact structure and of the recovery profile Conference on Complex Systems: from Physics to Biology and the Social Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal, 11/2006 (por M. Simões com A. Nunes)
- Sustained oscillations in epidemic models Conference on Complex Systems: from Physics to Biology and the Social Sciences, Lisbon, Portugal, 11/2006 (por G. Rozhnova e A. Nunes)
- Small world network structures and the dynamics of infectious diseases Third NEXT-SigmaPhi International Conference, Kolymbari, Greece, 8/2005 (com A. Nunes)
- The role of host contact structure in pathogen diversity and evolution COST P10 Physics of Risk 2nd Annual Meeting, Toledo 2005 (por A. Nunes)
- Recurrent epidemics without external forcing Cost P10 Kick-off Workshop "Physics of Risk", Nyborg, Denmark, 4/2004 (com A. Nunes, J. Pacheco e J. Verdasca)
- The key-lock mechanism in nematic colloidal dispersions STATPHYS, 22nd International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Bangalore, India, 7/2004 (por P. Patrício, com N. Silvestre)
- Colloidal interactions in 2D liquid crystals. Part II ESF Exploratory workshop on Liquid Crystal Colloid Dispersions, 8/2003 (por P. Patrício)
- Defect induced interactions in colloidal liquid crystals. Part II 6th ibero-american workshop on complex fluids and applications, Lisboa, Portugal, 9/2003 (por N. Silvestre, com P. Patrício e M. Tasinkevych)
- Defect-induced interactions in colloidal liquid crystals. Part I 6th ibero-american workshop on complex fluids and applications, Lisboa, Portugal, 9/2003 (por P. Patrício, com N. Silvestre e M. Tasinkevych)
- Dynamics of epidemics with local and long-range infection Conferências Caminhos da Complexidade, Dinâmica de Redes: da Biologia às Ciências Sociais, Arrábida, 7/2003 (por J. Verdasca, com A. Nunes e J. M. Pacheco)
- Modelos epidemiológicos com estrutura espacial A Física que se faz na Faculdade de Ciências, Lisbon, 9/2003 (por J. Verdasca, com A. Nunes e J.M. Pacheco)
- Spatially extended models for epidemic spread Workshop on computational and mathematical bioloy, IGC, Oeiras, Portugal, 6/2003 (por J. Verdasca, com A. Nunes e J. M. Pacheco)
- Depinning and Wetting in Nonequilibrium systems 7th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics, Granada, Espanha, 9/2002 (com F. de los Santos e M. Muñoz)
- Equilibrium Structure of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Fluid 7th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics, Granada, Espanha, 9/2002 (com J. M. Tavares e J. J. Weis)
- Non-equilibrium wetting transitions Workshop of the TMR network on Foam Stability and Wetting Transitions, Paris, France, 2/2001 (com F. de los Santos)
- Stochastic Theory of Non-Equilibrium Wetting Transitions 21st International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Cancun, México, 7/2001 (com F. de los Santos e M. Muñoz)
- Study of a Model for Two-Dimensional Nematic Order Física Estadística 91, Gijón, Espanha, 9/1991 (com H. S. Leitão)
- A Density Functional Theory for Long-range Critical Wetting Workshop of the TMR network on Foam Stability and Wetting Transitions, Lisboa, Portugal, 1/2000 (com A. Gonzalez)
- Non-equilibrium wetting as a multiplicative noise problem Workshop of the TMR network on Foam Stability and Wetting Transitions, Lisboa, Portugal, 1/2000 (com F. de los Santos)
- A Lattice Model for Confined Microemulsions Workshop of the TMR network on Foam Stability and Wetting Transitions, Amsterdam, Holanda, 3/1999 (com M. Sellitto)
- Potenciais Intermoleculares Anisotrópicos: O Fluido Dipolar Física 98, Porto, Portugal, 9/1998 (com J. M. Tavares)
- Properties of Droplet Microemulsions: Bending Elasticity and Polidispersity HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Carry le Rouet, França, 5/1997 (com C. Guerra)
- The Origin of the Scaling Behaviour of the Interfacial Tensions of Microemulsions HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Carry le Rouet, França, 5/1997 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Brincar com os Potenciais Intermoleculares: Novos Tipos de Diagramas de Fases Física 96, Faro, 9/1996 (com J. M. Tavares)
- Interfacial Properties of Microemulsions: Theoretical Overview HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Varenna, Itália, 5/1996
- Scaling of the Interfacial Tension of Microemulsions: Theory HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Varenna, Itália, 5/1996 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Simulação Computacional de Propriedades Interfaciais de Misturas com Anfifílicos Física 96, Faro, 9/1996 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Effects of Surfactant Asymmetry at the Water-Oil Interface in a Model Ternary Mixture HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1995 (com P. Faísca)
- Interfacial Properties of Ternary Mixtures with an Amphiphile: a Comparison between Monte Carlo and Mean-Field Results HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1995 (com C. Guerra)
- Landau Theory for Ternary Surfactant Mixtures HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1995 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Monte Carlo Study of the Water-Oil Interface in a Model Ternary Mixture HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1995 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Phase Equilibria of Model Ternary Mixtures with one Amphiphilic Component: a Computer Simulation Study HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1995 (com E. de Miguel)
- A Density-Functional Study of Water-Oil-Surfactant Liquid Mixtures HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Tauplitz, Áustria, 2/1994 (com C. Guerra)
- Derivation of a Landau Expansion for Ternary Surfactant Mixtures HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Tauplitz, Áustria, 2/1994 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Model Ternary Mixtures HCM Workshop on Solubilization and Interfacial Properties of Surfactant Solutions, Tauplitz, Áustria, 2/1994 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Estudo com Grupo de Renormalização em Campo Médio de Sistemas de Spins Clássicos Física 92, Vila Real, Portugal, 9/1992 (com H. S. Leitão)
- A Model for Two-Dimensional Order International School of Quantum Electronics: Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals, Erice, Itália, 5/1991 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Study of a Model for Two Dimensional Nematic Order 11th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (EPS) Exeter, U. K., 4/1991 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Surface Properties of Mixtures of Molecular Fluids: Comparison Between Theory and Experiment 11th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Como, Itália, 8/1990 (com B. S. Almeida e P. I. Teixeira)
- A Microscopic Theory for Surface Induced Orientational Order II Simpósio Ibérico de Física de la Matéria Condensada, 1986, Sevilla, Espanha, 4/1986
- Surface Tension and Adsorption in Binary and Ternary Mixtures 9th IUPAC Conference on Chemical Thermodynamics, Lisboa, Portugal, 7/1986
- Wetting Transitions and Orientational Order in Complex Fluids 16th IUPAP International Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Boston, U. S. A., 8/1986
- A Microscopic Model for the Interfacial Properties of Mixtures of Oil, Water and Non-Ionic Surfactants 4th International Chemical Engineering Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 4/1985 (com K. E. Gubbins)
- Adsorption and Orientation of Amphiphilic Molecules at a Liquid-Liquid Interface 9th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder Co, U. S. A., 6/1985 (com K. E. Gubbins)
- Adsorption and Wetting at the Liquid-Liquid Interface of Model Three Component Mixtures Royal Society of Chemistry, Dense Fluids: Dynamic and Static Properties, Bristol, U. K., 4/1985
- Interfacial Phase Transitions in Molecular Fluids and Multicomponent Mixtures Faraday Symposium No 20, Phase Transitions in Adsorbed Layers, Oxford, U. K., 12/1985 (com J. H. Thurtell)
- Surface Activity at the Liquid-Vapour Interface of Binary Mixtures Symposium on Molecular-Based Computer Simulation, Chicago Il, U. S. A., 11/1985 (com D. J. Lee, J. H. Thurtell e K. E. Gubbins)
- A Mean-Field Theory of a Model Surfactant at an Oil-Water Interface Canadian-American Chemical Congress, Montréal, Canadá, 6/1984 (com K. E. Gubbins)
- Surface Segregation and Surface Tension of the Liquid-Vapour Interface of a Binary Mixture of Lennard-Jones Fluids Faraday Symposium on the Structure of the Interfacial Region, Oxford, U. K., 12/1981 (com R. Evans)
- The Structure of Molten CsAu Chelsea International Conference on Semiconductors, Londres, U. K., 12/1979 (com R. Evans)
Posters Cartazes
- Capsule dynamics in active turbulence Mini-colloquium MC47 on Non-equilibrium soft condensed matter of CMD31the General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (EPS), Braga 2-6 September 2024. (por J. Santos com R. Coelho e M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Pumping and mixing active nematics with asymmetric inclusions International Liquid Crystal Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 21-26 July 2024 (por R. Coelho com Ignasi Veléz, M. M. Telo da Gama, Jordi Ignés and Francesc Sagués)
- Shape transition of flowing skyrmions in 2D Mini-colloquium MC47 on Non-equilibrium soft condensed matter of CMD31the General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the European Physical Society (EPS), Braga 2-6 September 2024. (por M. M. Telo da Gama com R. Coelho e M. Tasinkevych)
- Solute dispersion in confined active nematics Workshop on Interdisciplinary challenges in non-equilibrium physics: from soft to active, biological and complex matter, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems (mpipks) Dresden, Germany, 22-26 April 2024. (por T. Alvim, com R. Coelho e M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Phase Separation of Active Brownian Systems 2nd Portuguese Condensed Matter Physics Meeting, May 2019, Porto, Portugal (por P. D. Neta, C. S. Dias, N. A. M. Araújo, M. Telo da Gama)
- Propagation of interfaces in active liquid crystals on a substrate (poster prize) WE-Heraeus-Seminar on Wetting and Capillarity in Complex Systems, Physikzentrum, November 2019, Bad Honnef, Germany (por R. C. V. Coelho com N. A.M. Araújo and M. M. Telo da Gama)
- Adsorption of DNA-coated colloidal particles on mobile patches Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha. (por D. Pinto com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Adsorption of DNA-coated colloidal particles on mobile patches Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha. (por D. Pinto com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Cell mediated self-assembly of colloidal scaffolds Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha. (por G. Antunes com N. A. M. Araújo e C. S. Dias)
- Cell mediated self-assembly of colloidal scaffolds Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha (por G. Antunes com N. A. M. Araújo e C. S. Dias)
- How to localize spatial defects on colloidal crystals Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha. (por A. S. Nunes com N. A. M. Araújo)
- How to localize spatial defects on colloidal crystals Dynamics of self-organization: from colloids to biomaterials, Cost Action MP1305: Flowing Matter, Barcelona 4-5 Dezembro, 2017, Espanha. (por A. S. Nunes com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Bulk and interfacial relaxation of colloidal networks 4th International Soft Matter Conference, Grenoble, 12-16 September 2016, France (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Field driven dynamic demixing of binary mixtures 4th International Soft Matter Conference, Grenoble, 12-16 September 2016, France (por N. A. M. Araújo com A. S. Nunes e A. Gupta)
- Interfaces of chiral nematics: patterned interfaces of a double twist phase 4th International Soft Matter Conference, Grenoble, 12-16 September 2016, France (por N. Silvestre)
- Kinetics of complex colloids on substrates Workshop on Complex Liquids at Structured Surfaces: Theory Meets Experiment, Berlin, February 25 - 27, 2015 (por C.S. Dias com N. M. A.Araújo)
- Kinetics of complex colloids on substrates Soft.Matter@PT Workshop, Lisbon, July 2015 (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Liquid crystal flow in microfluidic channels Soft.Matter@PT Workshop, Lisbon, July 2015 (por V. O. Batista com M. L. Blow)
- Nematic Colloids Close to a Sinusoidal Curved Surface Workshop on Complex Liquids at Structured Surfaces: Theory Meets Experiment, Berlin, February 25 - 27, 2015 (por Z. Eskandari com N. M. Silvestre e M.R. Ejtehadi)
- Nematic droplets at fibres Soft.Matter@PT Workshop, Lisbon, July 2015 (por V. O. Batista com N. M. Silvestre)
- Adsorption of patchy colloids on a substrate yielding two absorbing phase transitions and a tricritical point 9th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lisbon 21-25 July 2014, Portugal (por N. A. M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Analysis of nematic liquid crystals textures in presence of sinusoidal and crenellated substrates 9th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lisbon 21-25 July 2014, Portugal (por O. A. Rojas-Gomez, com J. M. Romero-Enrique e N. M. Silvestre)
- Irreversible adsorption of patchy colloids on substrates 9th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lisbon 21-25 July 2014, Portugal (por C. S. Dias com N. A. M. Araújo)
- Liquid crystal flow in microfluidic channels 9th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lisbon 21-25 July 2014, Portugal (por V. M. O. Batista com M. L. Blow e A. Sengupta)
- Nematic colloids close to a curved surface 9th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Lisbon 21-25 July 2014, Portugal (por Z. Eskandari, com N. M. Silvestre e M. R. Ejtehadi)
- Aggregation of functionalized colloids at the edge of a drop International Soft Matter Conference, Roma 15-19 September 2013, Itália (por C. Dias com N. Araújo)
- Bicontinuous and mixed gels in patchy colloidal mixtures Physics of Complex Colloids, Ljubljana 14-18 May 2013, Slovenia (por D. de las Heras com J. M. Tavares)
- Bicontinuous and mixed gels in patchy colloidal mixtures International Soft Matter Conference, Roma 15-19 September 2013, Itália (por D. de las Heras com J. M. Tavares)
- Bonded boojum-colloids in nematic liquid crystals International Soft Matter Conference, Roma 15-19 September 2013, Itália (por N. M. Silvestre com Z. Eskandari e Mykola Tasinkevych)
- Boojum-colloids in nematic liquid crystals Gordon Conference on Liquid Crystals, University of New England, Biddeford ME July 16-21, 2013, USA (por N. Silvestre, com Z. Eskandari e M. Tasinkevych)
- Electric field induced transitions of nematics on grooved substrates International Soft Matter Conference, Roma 15-19 September 2013, Itália (por M. Blow)
- Flexoelectric and order-electric switching between nematic wetting morphologies Physics of Complex Colloids, Ljubljana 14-18 May 2013, Slovenia (por M. Blow)
- Interacting boojum-collods close to a planar surface Workshop on Wetting and Capillarity in Complex Systems, Dresden, 18-22 February 2013, Germany (por Z. Eskandari com N. Silvestre)
- Interacting boojum-collods close to curved surfaces Physics of Complex Colloids, Ljubljana 14-18 May 2013, Slovenia (por Z. Eskandari and N. Silvestre)
- Interfacial motion in flexo- and order-electric switching between nematic filled states 25th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Seoul 21-26 July 2013, South Korea (por M. Blow)
- Irreversible adsorption of patchy colloids on substrates International Soft Matter Conference, Roma 15-19 September 2013, Itália (por C. Dias com N. Araújo)
- Liquid crystal boojum-colloids Physics of Complex Colloids, Ljubljana 14-18 May 2013, Slovenia (por N. Silvestre, Z. Eskandari and M. Tasinkevych)
- Networks of patchy colloids on substrates Swiss Soft Days 12, Bern October 2013, Switzerland (por N.A.M. Araújo com C. S. Dias)
- Nonequilibrium growth of patchy-colloid networks on substrates Physics of Complex Colloids, Ljubljana 14-18 May 2013, Slovenia (com C. Dias and N. Araújo)
- From molecules to patchy colloids: Network fluids and bigels 25th Marian Smoluchowski Symposium on Statistical Physics, Cracow 9-13 September 2012, Polónia
- Re-entrant wetting of associating fluids SoftMatter 2012: BobFest Meeting, Bristol, 4/2012, UK (por N R Bernardino)
- Islands in free standing smectic C films Encontro Nacional de Física da Matéria Condensada, Lisboa, Portugal, 2/2010 (por N. M. Silvestre com P. Patrício)
- Self-assembly, percolation and thermodynamics of patchy particles with dissimilar bonds International Soft Matter Conference 2010, Granada, Spain, 7/2010 (por J. M. Tavares and P. I. C. Teixeira)
- Criticality of colloids with distinct interaction patches CECAM Workshop on Computer Simulation Approaches to Study Self-Assembly: From Patchy Nano-Colloids to Virus Capsids, Lausanne, Suíça, 7/2009 (por J. M. Tavares com P. I. C. Teixeira)
- How patchy can one get and still condense? The role of dissimilar patches in the interactions of colloidal particles Biological and Soft Matter 2009, University of Warwick, UK, 4/2009 (por J. M. Tavares com P. I. C. Teixeira)
- Quadrupolar defect structures generated by chiral islands in freely suspended smectic C films Faraday Discussion 144: Multiscale Modelling of Soft Matter, University of Groningen, The Netherlands, 7/2009 (por N. M Silvestre, com P Patrício, A Pattanaporkratana, C. S. Park,, J. E. Maclennan e N. A. Clark)
- Anchoring transition of nematic liquid crystals in patterned cells: effect of confinement and electric field 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Lisbon, Portugal, 7/2007 (por C-T Pham, com P. Patricio)
- Coherence threshold in simple evolutionary Language Games International School on Complexity. Course on Statistical Physics of Social Dynamics: Opinions, Semiotic Dynamics and Language, Erice, Sicily, 7/2007 (por J.M. Tavares, com A. Nunes)
- Non-circular colloidal inclusions in Smectic-C films 23rd International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Genoa, Itália, 7/2007 (por N. M. Silvestre e P. Patrício)
- Non-circular inclusions in smectic-C films 9th European Conference on Liquid Crystals, Lisbon, Portugal, 7/2007 (por N. M. Silvestre, com P. Patricio)
- Pathways to folding, nucleation events and native geometry IUPAP Conference on Statistical Physics, STATPHYS, 23rd International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Genova, Italy, 7/2007 (por Rui D. M. Travasso e com Patrícia F. N. Faísca)
- Anchoring transitions of nematic liquid crystals in patterned cells. Effects of confinement and electric fields International School of Liquid Crystals, 13th Workshop on Colloids, Interfaces and Liquid Crystals, E. Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture, Erice, Itália, 7/2006 (por C.-T. Pham e P. Patrício)
- Endemic thresholds and percolation in dynamic small world networks International Workshop on Constructive Role of Noise in Complex Systems, Dresden, Alemanha, 7/2006 (por T. Nedelea, com M. Simões e A. Nunes)
- Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: The role of chain length and native geometry Workshop on Structure and Function of Biomolecules II, Poznan, Poland, 5/2006 (por R. D. M. Travasso com P. F. N. Faisca)
- Nucleation phenomena in protein folding: the role of chain sequence International School of Physics Enrico Fermi: Protein Folding and Drug Design, Varenna, Itália, 7/2006 (por R. Travasso com P. Faísca)
- Wetting transitions of liquid crystals at wedge shaped substrates International School of Liquid Crystals, 13th Workshop on Colloids, Interfaces and Liquid Crystals, Erice, Italy, 7/2006 (por P. Patrício)
- Capturing colloids in 2D nematic liquid crystals 6th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Utrecht, 7/2005 (por N. Silvestre, com P. Patrício)
- Colloidal interactions in nematic liquid crystals: The interaction of colloids with a nematic isotropic interface 6th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Utrecht, Holland, 7/2005 (por P. Patrício, com M. Tasinkevych)
- Language evolution in structured populations Beyond Einstein - Physics for the 21st century, 13th General Conference of the European Physical Society, Bern, Switzerland 7/2005 (por J. M. Tavares com A. Nunes)
- Mechanisms for the generic stabilization of complex structures 8th Granada Seminar on Computational Physics: Modelling cooperative behaviour in the social sciences, Granada, Spain, 2/2005 (por F. de los Santos, com M. A. Muñoz)
- Pair approximation models for small world networks Third NEXT-SigmaPhi International Conference, Kolymbari, Greece, 8/2005 (por J. Benoit, com A. Nunes)
- The Go model revisited: Native structure and the geometric coupling between local and long-range contacts IoP Physics 2005 – A century after Einstein, Warwick, U.K., 4/2005 (por P. Faísca, com A. Nunes)
- Diffusion-limited deposition of dipolar systems SIMU 2004 Bridging the scales, Genoa, Itália, 9/2004 (por F. de los Santos, com J. M. Tavares e M. Tasinkevych).
- Diffusion-limited deposition with dipolar interactions Conference on Computational Physics 2004, Genoa, Itália, 7/2004 (por J. M. Tavavres, com F. de los Santos e M. Tasinkevych)
- Endemic persistence and percolation transition on small-world networks CNET 2004, Science of complex networks, from biology to the Internet and www, Aveiro, Portugal, 8/2004 (por N. Bernardino, com A. Nunes)
- Native geometry and the dynamics of contact pattern formation in protein folding CNET 2004, Science of complex networks, from biology to the iInternet and www, Aveiro, Portugal, 8/2004 (por P. Faísca)
- Native state geometry and the kinetics of protein folding Protein-Protein interactions in Vitro and in Vivo, an Isaac Newton Institute Workshop, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 6/2004 (por P. Faísca)
- On folding and form: Insights from lattice simulations Biology after the genome: A physical view, I BIFI International Conference, Saragoça, Spain, 2/2004 (por P. Faísca)
- Recurrent epidemics in small-world networks CNET 2004, Science of complex networks, from biology to the Internet and www, Aveiro, Portugal, 8/2004 (por J. Verdasca, com A. Nunes, N. R. Bernardino, J. Pacheco e M. Gomes)
- The nature of the phase transition in dipolar fluids Conference on Computational Physics 2004, Genoa, Italy, 9/2004 (por J. M. Tavares, com J-J. Weis)
- Colloid-wall interactions in 2d nematic liquid crystals ESF Exploratory workshop on liquid Crystal Colloid Dispersions, Bled, Slovenia 8/2003 (por N. Silvestre, com P. Patrício)
- Protein folding kinetics: Insights from lattice simulations International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, The physics of complex systems: New advances and perspectives, Varenna, 6/2003 (por P. Faísca, com R. Ball)
- Colloidal Interactions in Two Dimensional Nematics 5th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Konstanz, Alemanha, 9/2002 (com M. Tasinkevych, N. M. Silvestre e P. Patrício)
- Colloidal Interactions in Two Dimensional Nematics NATO-ASI, “Computer Simulations of Surfaces and Interfaces”, Varna, Bulgaria, 2002 (com M. Tasinkevych, N. M. Silvestre e P. Patrício)
- Geometrically-Controlled Twist Transitions in Nematic Cells 5th Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Konstanz, Alemanha, 9/2002 (com P. Patrício e S. Dietrich)
- Bidimensional Dipolar Fluid: Monte Carlo Simulations and Theory ESF Conference on Bridging the Time Scale Gap, Konstanz, Alemanha, 9/2001 (com J. M. Tavares e J. J. Weis)
- Chain Formation in Dipolar Fluids Euroconference Chains at Interfaces, Évora, Portugal, 1/2001 (com J. M. Tavares)
- Colloidal Dipolar Interactions in 2D Smectic C Films 21st International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Cancun, México, 7/2001 (com P. Patrício e M. Tasinkevych)
- Size Polydispersity of Droplet Microemulsions Euroconference Chains at Interfaces, Évora, Portugal, 1/2001 (com C. Guerra)
- Structure of Droplet Microemulsions in the Semi-Dilute Regime 21st International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Cancun, México, 7/2001 (com A. Somoza e C. Guerra)
- Wetting and structure of colloidal dispersions at solid substrates Discussion Meeting of the Royal Society on Interactions, structure and phase behaviour of colloidal dispersions, Londres, U.K., 10/2000 (com A. González)
- Microscopic Derivation of Effective Interface Potentials for Wetting Transitions European Research Conference on Complex Fluid Interfaces, Il Ciocco, Itália, 9/1999 (com A. Gonzalez)
- Nematic Cells with Curved Substrates: Voltage Dependent Anchoring European Research Conference on Complex Fluid Interfaces, Il Ciocco, Itália, 9/1999 (com P. Patrício e S. Dietrich)
- Phase Diagrams of Dipolar Fluids European Research Conference on Complex Fluid Interfaces, Il Ciocco, Itália, 9/1999 (com J. M. Tavares)
- Propriedades Interfaciais e Estrutura de Microemulsões no Percurso de Inversão de Fase Física 98, Porto, Portugal, 9/1998 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Simulação MCMC de Misturas Binárias de Esferas Rígidas Física 98, Porto, Portugal, 9/1998 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Structural Elasticity of Spherical Aggregates in Amphiphilic Ternary Mixtures 20th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Paris, França, 7/1998 (com C. Guerra e A. Somoza)
- Strucutre of Polydisperse Dipolar Hard-Sphere Fluids 20th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Paris, França, 7/1998 (com B. C. Cabral)
- Computer Simulation of Interfacial Properties of Amphiphilic Mixtures Física Estadística, Madrid, Espanha, 9/1997 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Critical Behaviour of Ionic Fluids Física Estadística, Madrid, Espanha, 9/1997 (com A. G. Moreira)
- Criticality of Dipolar Fluids Física Estadística, Madrid, Espanha, 9/1997 (com J. M. Tavares e M. A. Osipov)
- Origin of the Scaling Behaviour of the Interfacial Tension of Microemulsions Física Estadística, Madrid, Espanha, 9/1997 (com H. S. Leitão e R. Strey)
- Structural Properties of Spherical Aggregates in Amphiphilic Ternary Mixtures Física Estadística, Madrid, Espanha, 9/1997 (com C. Guerra e A. Somoza)
- Computer Simulation of Phase Diagrams and Interfacial Properties of Amphiphilic Mixtures 3rd Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Norwich, U. K., 7/1996 (com J. M. Esteves e E. de Miguel)
- Modelo Contínuo Assimétrico para Misturas Ternárias com um Anfifílico Física 96, Faro, 9/1996 (com C. Guerra)
- Propriedades Interfaciais de Misturas com Anfifílicos: Escalamento da Tensão Superficial Física 96, Faro, 9/1996 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Scaling of the Interfacial Tension of Microemulsions 3rd Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Norwich, U. K., 7/1996 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Study of the Order-Order Critical Point of the Heisenberg Fluid 3rd Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Norwich, U. K., 7/1996 (com J. M. Tavares)
- Interfacial Properties of Non-SymmetricWater-Oil-Surfactant Mixtures Gordon Research Conference on the Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, New Hampshire, U. S. A., 8/1995 (com C. Guerra e P. Faísca)
- Derivação Microscópica de uma Expansão de Landau para Misturas Ternárias com Anfifílico Física 94, Covilhã, Portugal, 9/1994 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Derivation of a Landau Expansion for Ternary Surfactant Mixtures Física Estadística 94, Sevilha, Espanha, 10/1994 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Estudo de Modelos de Misturas Ternárias por Simulação de Monte Carlo Física 94, Covilhã, Portugal, 9/1994 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Model Ternary Mixtures Física Estadística 94, Sevilha, Espanha, 10/1994 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Phase Diagram of the Heisenberg Fluid First International Conference on Scaling Concepts and Complex Fluids, Catanzaro, Itália, 7/1994 (com J. M. Tavares)
- Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Ternary Mixtures with Amphiphiles NATO-ASI and International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, on Observation, Prediction and Simulation of Phase Transitions in Complex Fluids, Varenna, Itália, 7/1994 (com C. Guerra)
- Thermodynamic and Structural Properties of Ternary Mixtures with Amphiphiles Física Estadística 94, Sevilha, Espanha, 10/1994 (com C. Guerra)
- Variational Theory of Nonuniform Fluids Física Estadística 94, Sevilha, Espanha, 10/1994 (com P. G. Ferreira e A. G. Schlijper)
- Coexistencia Liquido-Vapor en la Approximación HNC Auto-Consistente Física Estadística 93, El Escorial, Espanha, 5/1993 (com R. L. Carvalho)
- Inhomogeneous Generalized Hypernetted Chain Equation Física Estadística 93, El Escorial, Espanha, 4/1993 (com P. G. Ferreira e A. G. Schlijper)
- Inhomogeneous Generalized Hypernetted Chain Equation 2nd Liquid Matter Conference of the European Physical Society, Florença, Itália, 9/1993 (com P. G. Ferreira e A. G. Schlijper)
- Interfacial Properties of Water-Oil-Surfactant Liquid Mixtures International Summer School on Fundamental Problems in Statistical Mechanics VIII, Altenberg, Alemanha, 6/1993 (com C. Guerra)
- Tensão Superficial de Fluidos Simples e de Fluidos Moleculares: Comparação entre as Previsões Teóricas e os Valores Experimentais 1º Encontro de Química-Física da SPQ, Lisboa, Portugal, 6/1993 (com B. S. Almeida, J. C. G. Calado, A. S. Mendonça e V. A. M. Soares)
- A Density-Functional Theory of Lamellar Phases 18th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Berlin, Alemanha, 8/1992 (com J. M. Sebrosa)
- Equações Integrais Auto-Consistentes: Aproximação de HNC e Generalizações Física 92, Vila Real, Portugal, 9/1992 (com P. G. Ferreira e A. G. Schlijper)
- Estudo de Modelos de Misturas Ternárias por Simulação de Monte-Carlo Física 92, Vila Real, Portugal, 9/1992 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Fases Lamelares na Teoria do Funcional da Densidade Física 92, Vila Real, Portugal, 9/1992 (com J. M. Sebrosa)
- Mean Field Renormalization Group of Classical Spin Models 18th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Berlin, Alemanha, 8/1992 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Mean Field-Like Techniques for the Study of Systems with Orientational Degrees of Freedom 14th International Liquid Crystals Conference, Pisa, Itália, 6/1992 (com H. S. Leitão e P. G. Ferreira)
- Monte Carlo Simulation of Model Ternary Mixtures 18th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Berlin, Alemanha, 8/1992 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Self-Consistent HNC and Related Approximations 18th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Berlin, Alemanha, 8/1992 (com P. G. Ferreira e A. G. Schlijper)
- Global Phase Diagram of a Confined Lebwohl-Lasher Model 11th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (EPS) Exeter, U. K., 4/1991 (com P. G. Ferreira)
- Global Phase Diagram of a Confined Uniaxial Nematic Física Estadística 91, Gijón, Espanha, 9/1991 (com P. G. Ferreira)
- Aproximações de Campo Médio e de Bethe no Estudo de um Modelo Confinado de Lebwohl-Lasher Física 90, Lisboa, Portugal, 9/1990 (com P. G. Ferreira)
- Bethe Approximation for Systems with Orientational Degrees of Freedom 10th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (EPS) Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1990 (com P. G. Ferreira e H. S. Leitão)
- Cluster Variational Method for a Two Dimensional Anisotropic Plane Rotor Física Estadística 90, Badajoz, Espanha, 4/1990 (com H. S. Leitão)
- Density-Functional Theories of Molecular Fluid Interfaces 10th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (EPS) Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1990 (com J. M. Sebrosa e P. I. Teixeira)
- Estudo da Transição de Wetting no Modelo de Ising: Comparação entre a Aproximação de Bethe e Simulações de Monte-Carlo Física 90, Lisboa, Portugal, 9/1990 (com J. M. Esteves)
- Previsões da Teoria do Funcional da Densidade para a Tensão Superficial de Misturas de água e Lutidino Física 90, Lisboa, Portugal, 10/1990 (com J. M. Sebrosa)
- Study of Wetting in the Ising Lattice: Comparison Between the Bethe Approximation and Monte Carlo Results Física Estadística, Badajoz, Espanha, 4/1990 (com H. S. Leitão e J. M. Esteves)
- Study of Wetting in the Ising Lattice: Comparison Between the Bethe Approximation and Monte Carlo Results 10th General Conference of the Condensed Matter Division (EPS) Lisboa, Portugal, 4/1990 (com H. S. Leitão e J. M. Esteves)
- Phase Transitions in the Lebwohl-Lasher Model in Confined Geometry 17th International IUPAP Conference on Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 8/1989 (com P. Tarazona)
- The Derivative of the Surface Tension at the c. e. p. of a Binary Mixture Gordon Research Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, Plymouth N. H., U. S. A., 8/1983
- Interfaces of Binary Mixtures of Lennard-Jones Fluids Second International Conference on Thermodynamics of Non-Electrolyte Solutions, Lisboa, Portugal, 3/1982 (com R. Evans)
- Square Gradient Theory for the Interfacial Properties of Fluids and Binary Mixtures Gordon Research Conference on Physics and Chemistry of Liquids, Plymouth N. H., U. S. A., 8/1981 (com R. Evans)
- The Liquid-Vapour Interface of Charged Fluids Faraday Symposium on the Structure of the Interfacial Region, Oxford, U. K., 12/1981 (com R. Evans e T. J. Sluckin)
Seminars Seminрrios
- From soft matter to wet ALIFE Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU) San Sebastian, Spain June 2024
- From soft matter to wet ALIFE Centro de Física de Materiales (CSIC-UPV/EHU) San Sebastian, Spain June 2024
- Non-equilibrium interfaces of patchy colloidal particles Department of Physical Chemistry, Maio 2019, Oxford University, Oxford, UK