Margarida Telo da Gama

Publications Publicações

Books and Chapters Livros e Capítulos

Papers Artigos

Proceedings Actas de Conferência

  • Nematic Colloids Close to a Curved Surface, Z. Eskandari, N.M. Silvestre, M.M. Telo da Gama, and M.R. Ejtehadi, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanostructures (ICNS5) 1, 518 (2014).
  • Epidemics in small world networks, M. M. Telo da Gama and A. Nunes, European Physical Journal B, 50, 205-208 (2006).
  • Pair approximation models for disease spread, J. Benoit, A. Nunes and M. M. Telo da Gama, European Physical Journal B, 50, 177-181 (2006).
  • Native geometry and the dynamics of protein folding, P. F. N. Faísca and M. M. Telo da Gama, Biophysical Chemistry, 115, 169-175 (2005).
  • Protein folding kinetics: insights from lattice simulations, P. F. N. Faísca, M. M. Telo da Gama and R. C. Ball, Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi, The Physics of Complex Systems (New advances and perspectives), F. Mallamace and H. E. Stanley (Eds.) IOS Press, 155, 515-520 (2004).
  • Depinning and Wetting in Nonequilibrium Systems, AIP Proccedings of the 7th Granada Lectures on Computational Physics: Modeling of Complex Fluids, Editors P. L. Garrido and J. Marro, 661, 102-106 (2003).
  • Equilibrium Structure of the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Fluid, AIP Proceedings of the 7th Granada Lectures on Computational Physics: Modeling of Complex Fluids, Editors P. L. Garrido and J. Marro, 661, 209-213 (2003).
  • Computer Simulation of Interfacial Properties of Amphiphilic Mixtures, J. M. C. Esteves and M. M. Telo da Gama, Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FISES’97, Anales de Física, Monografias RSEF, 4, 199-200 (1998).
  • Critical Behaviour of Ionic Fluids, Física Estadística, A. G. Moreira and M. M. Telo da Gama, Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FISES’97, Anales de Física, Monografias RSEF, 4, 275-276 (1998).
  • Criticality of Dipolar Fluids, Física Estadística, J. M. Tavares, M. M. Telo da Gama and M. A. Osipov, Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FISES’97, Anales de Física, Monografias RSEF, 4, 331-332 (1998).
  • Origin of the Scaling Behaviour of the Interfacial Tension of Microemulsions, H. S. Leitão, M. M. Telo da Gama and R. Strey, Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FISES’97, Anales de Física, Monografias RSEF, 4, 251-252 (1998).
  • Structural Properties of Spherical Aggregates in Amphiphilic Ternary Mixtures, C. Guerra, A. Somoza and M. M. Telo da Gama, Proceedings of the VIII Spanish Meeting on Statistical Physics, FISES’97, Anales de Física, Monografias RSEF, 4, 237-238 (1998).
  • Effects of Anisotropy in the Ordering Mechanisms of Two-Dimensional Rotors, H. S. Leitão and M. M. Telo da Gama, in Phase Transitions in Liquid Crystals, eds. S. Martelluci and A. N. Chester, NATO-ASI, 290B, 125-135 (Plenum, New-York, 1992).
  • Layered Phases in Continuum Models of Ternary Mixtures, M. M. Telo da Gama and J. M. Sebrosa, in Dynamical Phenomena at Interfaces Surfaces and Membranes, eds. D. Beysens, G. Forgacs and N. Boccara, (Nova Science Publishers, New-York,1992).
  • Equilibrium Interfacial Phase Transitions, M. M. Telo da Gama, in Order and Chaos, ed. M. G. Velarde, 463-472 (World Scientific, Singapore 1988).
  • Orientational Order and Surface Phase Transitions, M. M. Telo da Gama, in Physico Chemical Hydrodynamics: Interfacial Phenomena, ed. M. G. Velarde, NATO-ASI, B174, 753-760 (Plenum, New-York, 1988).
  • A Model for the Structure of Some Semiconducting Liquid Alloys: Evidence for Ionic Bonding, A. Copestake, R. Evans and M. M. Telo da Gama, Journal de Physique, C8, 321 (1980).