a pair of values (r*,
one chooses the number of dipolar particles N, and places
them in a cube (square) of volume (area) equal to N/r*.
This initial configuration can be, e.g.,
random (random positions for the spheres and random orientations for the
dipoles ) or ordered (e.g. spheres on a regular lattice and dipoles
oriented in the same direction). The final results do not depend on this
choice. After this, the Monte Carlo simulation is started and proceedes as
Calculate the energy E (dipolar
energy) of the particles in the initial configuration. Set i
= 1.
Choose a
particle i and
randomly generate a new position and orientation for this particle. Calculate
the energy E’ of the new
If the energy of the new configuration is lower than the energy
of the initial configuration (E’
< E), then change the initial
configuration to the new one. This means that new configurations that lower
the energy are accepted. Set E=E’
and go to (5).
If E’ > E, generate a random number x
with a value between 0 and 1. Calculate the number y = exp(-(E’-E)/ kBT).
If y>x then change the initial configuration to the new one and set E=E’.
Otherwise, reject the new configuration.
Since E/ kBT
is proportional to m*2
, this means that the probability of accepting new configurations with higher
energy is smaller for systems where the dipolar energy dominates over the
thermal energy . Go to (5)
If i is equal to N then set i=1.
Otherwise, set i = i + 1. Go to (2).
several cycles, the system reaches thermodynamic equilibrium: the mean value of
its state variables that are not fixed a priori remains constant. Then the
simulation continues and
starts exploring different configurations of the system (microscopic
states) that correspond to that equilibrium state (macroscopic state).
This allows the calculation of thermal averages of relevant
quantities. Technically, a simulation makes a direct estimate of the canonical
partition function of the system, since it samples the most probable
configurations for a given set of (NVT).
A good quality simulation of a sufficiently large DHS system for a
sufficiently long time (number of cycles) is a very demanding task, only possibe
if care is taken in calculating the energy (inclusion of long range corrections)
and various technical tricks (bias, cluster moves, use of tables to calculate
functions, etc.) are used.
Each point in the boxes
represents a particle and one immediately sees that they have a strong tendency
to form clusters. Most of the particles are aggregated linearly but some belong to branched clusters. Each dipole (not represented in the figures)
shows, as expected, a strong tendency to align
(“head-to-tail”) with its neighbors. At
the end of a simulation for a pair r*,
m* we
keep the positions and orientations of the N
dipoles of 100 to 300 configurations, i.e. “pictures” like the ones showed
in the last figure.
the next section we explain how the structure of the DHS is analysed.