Flow(ers) and jam(mers): from liquid crystals to grains
Lisbon, 17-19th June 2009
The workshop on 'Flow(ers) and jam(mers): from liquid crystals to grains', will be held at the University of Lisbon in June 2009, starting on the morning of the 17th and finishing on the evening of 19th June.
It will comprise both invited and contributed talks on the properties of liquid crystals, colloids and granular materials, with emphasis on the interplay between structure and dynamics.
There is a conference fee, of 100 euros, which covers the conference dinner. The fee will be waived for students who request it, when supported by their academic advisor.
Click here
Abstract acceptance: |
for online registration 10th June 2009
28th May 2009 (Submission is closed)
Lisbon, 17-19th June 2009 |